Chapter Twenty Eight Comfortable

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"what this don't make sense." Makar said in the car staring at his school "why we here?" 

"Because you going to school, got off early from your appointment. Come on now." I said looking back. This kids being difficult right now and I have shit to get done today.

"You didn't even stop by McDonald's." He complained and I look back at him.

"You didn't ask." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Shouldn't have to." He said and I swear I wanted to smack him for that.

"Get out of the fuckin car." I jump at him and he laugh getting out the car slamming it and running up the steps going inside. I sighed, damn he has a smart ass mouth, pulling my phone I went to my contacts calling Caesar while I pulled off. It rang for a couple of seconds before he answered.

"Yes?" He answered and I heard papers flipping in the background. 

"On my way to Moretti's house, you there already?" I ask and he mumble shit underneath his breath. Out of all people to forget I would have assume Halston not Caesar. 

"No today's Loretta recital she has the main part." He said talking about my niece, smiled appeared on my face because I barely hear my brother talk about his personal life. Yeah we know who his wife and kids are but everytime when Caesar around he always serious and doesn't lighten up. Then again being the oldest he most likely got that from me.

"Would give you the day off?" I said speeding down the highway and he laugh.

"You okay? Anyway No, but listen Halston on his way there now seven minutes away if you wanted the exact distance. Head of the house actually came home from jail we have been dealing with his father lately and seems like soon as we cut the ties they released Emilio. Information, he's almost your height 6,5 blind I'm one eye because of stabbing incident his personality is like Halston but looking from the files he actually get shit done like he doesn't fuck up. He's 28 also the women you kilt at the manor was his sister but none of the family know well what I know so far is they don't know. I'll be at the office after my daughter's recital. " Caesar explained and I said alright hanging up. Didn't understand why I have to meet Emilio in person if anything I would recommend over the phone. Fucked up my plans for today.

When I got to the Moretti household I saw Halston leaning on his car flirting with some chick that was sitting on the hood of his car. I park getting out and walking over, my brother look up and said something to the female before she smile walking away.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked being smart and Halston shrugged his shoulders as him and I walked up to the porch ringing the door bell.

"Plural, girlfriend's." He correct me I shake my head. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? Giving that Nanny to much power." He said and I smirk pulling my phone out.

"How so?"

"Ты тупой? You let her say and do what she wants." (Are you dumb?). I put my phone back in my pocket and look at him with a blank stare.

"Ты тупой? Watch your mouth." I said and ring the door bell. If someone don't answer I will kick this door in mind you Halston is getting on my nerves. 

"Если честно.Ты трахаешь ее?" (Be honest. You fucked her?). I squint my eyes at him and he wore a smug look as if he was right.

"Пока нет, но дело не в этом."(Not yet, but that's not the point.). I said and a maid open the door, I looked at her and smile seeing a blush cross her face and she moved to the side letting us in. The house smelled good like someone was cooking something. Halston and I was guided by what looked like a guard. We walk around for a bit until we ended out back. 

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