Chapter Thirty Four Growth

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"You drove pass the manor." I said looking back as Halston sped past it. We just left Lyanna house plus her and Halston was non-stop bickering plus roasting one another. Pff Halston left after she called him crossed eyed pitbull. 

"Taking you to the office." He said and I raise an eyebrow as he looked at me. "My brother wants to see you." He said and I smiled. I haven't been at the office before plus I guess I kind of miss Ruslan since I didn't seen him this morning. "Take that smile off your face Marya it's about business." He said and I roll my eyes.

"Why you so damn negative today, your extra then usual." I complained and he scoff mumbling whatever. "For a guy who has multiple girlfriends sure is misera-" Halston pressed on the breaks making me almost hit my head but the seatbelt jerk me back.

"Oops." He said and I huffed, we road in silence as we spent a couple of minutes on the road. Before pulling up to this building I got out the car holding my folder I look at Halston and who gave me a dumbfounded look telling me to go. I walk towards the building heading inside, I felt so under dress a everyone was in office attire. I spotted a couple and by a couple I mean a lot of people who had tattoos especially on their necks. I slowly walk to the receptionist who was typing away on the computer before looking up at me.

"Welcome Luxica corporation I'm am Ciara how may I help you today." She said with a monotone voice but she gave a slight smile, I don't want to assume but I'm going to. Pretty sure everyone here is at least from russia her accent is thick plus when I try to listen to side conversations I can't understand a thing.

"Hello my name is Marya I hav-."

"Marya? Hold that thought." She said typing away on her computer before getting on the phone. "Hello Mr.Nikiforov your girlfriend is finally here would you like for me to send her up." She spoke and I blink a few time trying to register the word that just came out her mouth. The lady nod her head and motion me to go to the elevator and I hesitated before she mouthed eighth floor. I nodded going towards the elevator hitting the eighth button listening to the elevator music. Soon as it hit the floor I got out and saw a few members having a conversation sitting down at a lounge. They pause and look at me some looked confused as others leaned over and whisper. I head to the only door that was there and knock twice, I heard him said come in. Look back to see a few people that was leaning over but stop since they grab my attention. I walk in closing the door.

"Girlfriend?" I question walking over and he chuckle. 

"To soon?" He answered with a question back and I put my folder on his desk before taking a seat across from him.

"I'm not complaining. How was your day love?" I asked and he beckoned me to sit on his lap. I sat for a while before rolling my eyes smiling a little getting up walking around the desk and sitting on his lap. "I feel like I spoil you and your son to much." I said getting a bit comfortable. 

"I don't hear any complaints though and my day was fine thanks for asking. Halston notify me that your sister is helping you with this?" He take my folder and I nod my head. Ruslan energy wasnt off but it just felt more intense then usual.

"Yes, don't worry she doesn't know anything took some persuading though. There was only one problem today though." I mumble rubbing the back of my neck and I felt his stare.

"Spit it out." He said and I sigh face palming myself. 

"We rarely got anything done today because Lyanna and Halston kept arguing, it's literally every second. They don't have to agree but I swear it's like watching to kids saying shut up to each other non-stop." I complain a little still feeling irritated about it.

"What did you get done today." He asked and wow seems like he dismiss that whole issue. Well sorry.

"Um I well, I talk to their vendors letting them know that their relocating and I already know how I want to set the interior I just need to buy it also theres two or three buildings we need to look at Monday one has storage 10 by 10 and the other 15 by 15 only con of that is it gets real cold so I don't know what type of products you're trying to have back there." I said and it was silent, I felt him pushed up against the desk getting closer. Well we were already close but I felt him rest his head against my shoulder.

"Marya." He voice was calm and deep.

"Yes?" I tense up a bit.

"The products are drugs and counterfeit and a couple of value items." He spoke and I stare at the desk thinking.

"Why not move the value items. By an actual storage unit for that." I suggested and he hummed in my ear causing me to raise by shoulder up a bit but he put pressure a little to keep it down.

"We removed it from the storage unit because apparently certain people found out about." I mutter shit biting my tongue trying to think of something else. 

"We can move the counterfeit." I suggest and he wrap one arm around my waist and his other hand rest on the desk as he taps his finger on it.

"We visit every two weeks to flip it if you can change that process then be my guess love." He said and I smile a little looking at him.

"You don't need to flip it every two weeks if you can exchange it every second." I said and he stare at me and smirk cupping my chin.

"Explain." He said and I blushed a lit shifting on his lap.

"When a customer pays with cash we just give them the counterfeit. An easy swap." I smile and was earn a peck, kind of felt butterflies in my stomach thats a shame. I'm grown yet feeling all giddy for no reason when I'm around him now. Not that much changed though.

"You a little clever aren't you. What makes you so sure that this idea of yours will work?" He question me and I gladly explained.

"It's downtown a lot of people are on the clock and in a hurry who really checks their money and its easily flip because they actually handing over real money to us." I said and he smiled and me and nod my head.

"I guess you made a little progress today." He said and that made me felt proud. We both look at the clock to see it almost going on three. Ruslan tap my leg and I got up moving away a little as he got up grabbing his phone off his desk. Ruslan lend me his arm and I hook mine to his as we walk out the office.

"Makar gets out about now." I said and he nod his head as we walk to the elevator getting in.

"I know we're going to pick him up." He said and that out a smile on my face.

"I wonder how the field trip turned out." I said tapping my foot to the elevator music.

"Probably good, he better make me something since he went there and that was one of the activities." He said and I laugh at him. 

"Pretty sure he will because he swear his skills are better then picasso and that's his words not mind." I said and he laugh as the elevator dinged and we walk out heading to towards the front of the entrance we pass the receptionist as she told us to have a nice day. We walk to the parking lot and got in the car, I didn't have to adjust my seat because it was the same where I left it. I would of thought he'll fix it.

Pulling off and on our way to pick Makar up I turn the radio on to listen to music. I don't mind the silence but I was just in the mood for music.

"Ruslan." I said looking him and he hummed meaning I have his attention. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked and he was quiet for a minute before speaking.

"Steak." He said and I raise an eyebrow. 

"Side dishes hon." I said and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't care just want the main course to be steak." He said and I nod my head.

"Steakz, rice and some vegetables how's that sound." I looked back at him and he licked his lips. Taking a turn and started to speed down the road.

"Good." He look at me. "You known the maids can fix that." He said and I waver him off looking out the window. 

"My kitchen, I'm cooking whenever I feel like." I said and I heard a small laugh. 

"Good because I don't like anyone else's cooking besides you and Katia's." He said and I smiled again covering my face a little. We continue to ride around before sooner or later we arrive at the school. Makar was sitting down playing on his switch, Ruslan honk the horn grabbing the boy attention.  Makar looked up getting up and started to walk over.

"Oh one more question before I forget." I said turning my head at him.

"What's that?" He said.

"Can I spend the night… you know in your room?"

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