2. Date around the streets

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(Warning: Mature Language
i kind of have this warning on every chapter lmaooo)

Namjoon's point of view:

I sat down with my coffee as I continued to read the book I had started, but couldn't concentrate since last night as this face kept appearing in front of me which made me smile repeatedly and drift off from the book. I finally gave up trying to read as I opened my glasses and placed them on the table with the now empty cup of coffee. 

Seokjin. That's such a pretty name. Just like he was. He was pretty, not only from the face, but his ways, they had grace in it like he did everything in specific way which was somehow beautiful. And I didn't know if he recognized me or did but carried on with not saying it and asking for an autograph or picture but decided to talk to me like one person to other, it was well appreciated.

Ah Namjoon, what are you doing bro?

'Spring Day' flower shop, huh, guess someone has to go there again. I sighed as I got dressed, I had a two month break from work and the album release and I had the tour coming, and this two months I promised to myself to make the fullest out of it. I quickly got into my car and drove to the streets I had gone the previous day, and a sigh of relief was released on the sight of the shop.

I parked outside as I settled and checked my clothes, i nEvEr dO tHaT wHaT tHe hEcK?! Anyways, I pushed the door as I walked in but another guy turned and greeted me, his eyes widened as he greeted me with another smile, he recognized me, ah...I bowed back as I looked around finding no sign of the man who I saw previously, but it would be rude to ask right away so I bought the flowers for my vase which I definitely forgot last night, but I did find the prettiest flower.

"Um...I hope you don't mind me asking but there was this another guy last night-"

The guy immediately spoke up, "OOOh!! Jin hyung??"

Seokjin, jin...ah.

"Yeah, he...isn't here today...?"

"No no, he is back at work, I asked him to look after my shop as I had to leave for some work yesterday...Do you need him?" He asked. 

I thought for a while, "Maybe just tell him where his work place is at?" I asked as he instantly gave me the directions. I thanked him and drove my car back to the directions he had said as I ended in front of a well designed school building. So he's a teacher...? Teacher boyfriend is hot- WHAT THE FUCK NAMJOON NO THOUGHTS LIKE THAT!!!

It was kind of a long wait outside as I leaned against my car counting the number of bricks the walls had and the trees around, not to lie I did try to count the leaves of a nearby tree but lost track every time and finally got annoyed and gave up. Then finally saw the children walking out, to which I just went inside my car and looked down hiding my face as much as possible, which did work to my utter happiness, but then as I looked up and finally saw Seokjin, he stopped and started talking to someone-


And there he talked for almost over fifteen minutes till Mr. finally took pity on me and walked out of the door and instantly spotted me and gasped as he walked towards me, he was wearing a white shirt and dark brown trousers and a lighter shade of the same brown coat which hung on his hand and a leather bag, what a prince.

"Heyyy! How- what- huh- hi! You...here?" He mentioned with his shock completely understandable in his voice.

"Yeah, how long do you work??" I asked thinking about the misery I have been having with nothing to do for the passed almost three and half hours plus fifteen minutes. He laughed, "It's school timing, wait how did you get here?

"Your friend told me the address and didn't tell me the timings you would actually arrive and I arrived three and some hours early waiting here..." I said sighing dramatically.

He giggled, "That must be Hoseok. Anyways, I'm so sorry for the wait-"

"No it's fine c'mon, I did it completely by my choice."

"Did you need something...?"

"Yeah, my jacket." I said as he took it seriously, "NOOO I was kidding!! I just-" 

Why the heck did I come? Jacket was good excuse what the fuck, what should I say now, this is awkward, you shouldn't be awkward, you're Kim Namjoon, you're never awkward. Say something, "Err, needed to see the prettiest flower again." Nailed it.

He turned red and hid his face again, he gets flustered with compliments, that's so cute!!! "Ah- anyways, you must be hungry! Lunch?"


He looked up at me but then his face soon relaxed as he smirked, "Are you asking me out on a date?"


I smiled cheekily and leaned against the car, "Ah maybe?" I said raising an eyebrow as I opened the door for him to get in.

"Little fast but seems okay for someone who buys flowers at eleven at night!"


He just chuckled, "Anyways, where do you want to go to?" I said starting the car, "We have this famous ramen shop and there is this new shop by the block and it is serving amazing Italian and also this ancient fries, the food there cant be comp-"

"Stop  the car...!" He said at the middle of the door.

And that's how we went around tasting and having different street food he suggested.

(heheheheh hope your liking it!! i will update as soon as possible! do let me know your opinions, take care and stay safe! -sydREnoz)

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