6. T o m o r r o w

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

I drove him back to his house, as he walked out of the car, but our fingers won't let go of each other, I pulled him back in as he giggled, placing a soft kiss on his plump lips. He put his index finger under my chin, "Do you have to go back tonight?" He asked, still as close, "I'd stay, but your brother's home." He moved back with a pout, "Mhm...meet me tomorrow then." I grinned, "You seem awfully interested in seeing me." I said teasingly, he turned towards, "Oh you're not? Don't then." He said and got out of the car, "Heyyy!" I said moving out too and going out pulling him towards me, "If I could, I'd be with you forever baby." I said holding him close to me. He pecked my nose, we turned as we saw the lights of the house turning on. "Ah, he's up waiting for you." He settled is clothes, "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow then?" I nodded, we walked towards the house as  I looked at him, smiling to myself, "Oh oh- oh um- Seokjin- hey-" He turned to face me, "yeah?" I pointed towards the phone, "Can...I get your number?" He walked back to me asking placing his palm as I placed my phone on it. He quickly saved his number, "Goodnight." He said before getting inside the house. 


I couldn't wait for tomorrow to finally come, and it's honestly so difficult to develop these things when you just don't want to stay apart. I returned to my apartment and changed before jumping on the bed, laying down and staring up at the ceiling, ah, somehow, life feels, so full- I giggled as I turned to wards my right and hid my face, t o m o r r o w !

I didn't know when I had fallen asleep but I woke up curled inside the sheets as the light from the outside fell on my face, ah morning! Sitting up and rubbing my eyes I looked around, I was usually a morning person but sometimes woke up late and went with normal cereal and milk for breakfast. I checked the time, what day was it? With sleepy eyes, I figured it was a Saturday, does Seokjin work on weekends? I pulled out my phone, Seokjin.


hey, do you have work today?
delivered 11:43

Now we wait, I went and played some music and decided to take a shower and get ready, if he did have work, I'll be meeting him a while later and will go out to do some other work till then and it's quite cool. I rested my head arching it backwards, I was still awfully in the mood to fall asleep and him texting back would be the only thing to properly wake me up, guess a lot of sleep is stored up huh? I walked out wrapping a towel against my waist and checked my phone, still at delivered, okay...I got dressed in a casual sweatshirt and jeans and settled my hair. My phone beeped. 


No I don't, sorry about the late reply, was at brother's college.

not a problem, everything fine?

Yeah, so you coming?

i'll be there in fifteen.

Nice, have you had breakfast?

yeah i had cereals

I'll make you something till then, see you!



I smiled widely looking at the mirror, grabbing the keys, I locked the door and jumped to my car, Seokjinnniiiee! Eh, I've developed way to much fondness for this person than I planned to, hop everything works out, at this point of raising the topic. Never-mind no bad thoughts no no, let's  go to the boy, I should get him some flowers? I put my palm near my chin as I thought of pulling by the Spring Day flower store. I jogged in seeing the man I had seen the other day with a heart shaped smile, "Hey man!" I greeted him as he turned and greeted me back with his heartiness and smile, "Let's see who's back!" 

"This time for flowers, what are Seokjin's favorite?" I asked whispering as his eyes lit up.

"Quite trying to impress the man now are we?" He asked grinning as he made me a combination. I had seen the price from the corner of my eyes.

"That will be...?"

"Oh no you don't have to pay me for this." 

I silently placed the money on the counter, "That won't happen, you gave me flowers and his directions so yeah." I raised my shoulders my shoulders up and down.

"Ah okay okay, give me updates!" He waved as I left. 

Parking my car outside, I rang the bell  as he opened the door almost immediately, he was in a light baby pink sweatshirt as he smiled on seeing me, "Seventeen minutes, quite a man of time?"

"Nah, would have reached earlier, but got these." I said handing him the flowers, "These aremy favorites!!! How did you know?? If you keep on this, I'll fall for you." He said putting them on the vase. That- I have to bring it up.

"Now, I'm making chicken stew, I don't know this is my first time but I thought you like it a lot after last night but I never really made it so I am making it, trying my best, I seriously hope you like it and-" I went and wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my chin on his shoulder, "It smells delicious, I already know it's going to be absolutely amazing!" 

He placed a kiss on my cheek, "You're amazing." I kissed his neck softly, "You're more."


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