9. Nameless

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

Why the fuck did I even say that- Why did he say that- isn't it clear Seokjin? Ain't it too fast to start to develop feelings or something, a person can supposedly fall in love in 4 minutes, that's fucked up, don't curse, but you're talking to yourself, still, ugh!

I opened my mouth but then stopped at the sound of the front door opening as I quickly dragged myself down the bed and showed two fingers to Namjoon asking him to wait for two minutes as I went leaned against the door as Tae walked in, with his hood on as he rushed towards his room, "Stop." I said blocking the door, "I don't wanna talk hyung." I sighed, he tried to enter as I pulled him back out, "Look at me." I said again, making sure I didn't sound sweet or concerned at that point though I was. "Won't repeat myself Tae." I said as he looked up hesitantly, of course, "I would say you're grounded but you're too old for me to do that or for you to abide me now, but if I am called to your college again and you're suspended, you won't like me being strict. Now, promise me you won't skip classes anymore." He sighed, "Fine hyung. Can I go?" I nodded and got out of the way. "Keep in mind." I said sternly and then let out a breath deeply after he was out of sight.

"Having a younger brother must be tough." Namjoon said as I entered the room. "Yeah...kinda." I said sitting down on the bed. "What are you doing tonight?" I asked looking up at him, he smiled, h i s  d i m p l e s. "Not much, really. No plans, unless you wanna come over." I giggled laying down on his lap, he put his arm around my waist, "Don't tell your brother I'm tryna take his brother home." "You're cute." I said as he leaned down touching our noses. 

After he left, it was basically quiet, don't think Tae would like to tl and Hobi  would be busy, a normal weekend but just that I had plans for the evening, it was weird but this whole thing was giving me chills now, I  didn't want to fall for someone who would not stay, would he stay? I like him, and he has made me trust him too, two of the most dangerous things in this world. I still couldn't bring up the topic of us being what are we or whatever the heck, my mind wasn't making sense. I looked at my bed, his glasses, he left them. I tried them and looked at mirror.

"Ah! Looks...good..." I said pulling out my phone and clicking a picture. 


You left your glasses behind.
delivered 16:17

I looked at the picture, looks...good I guess? Yeah it does, c'mon ain't you the confident Mr Kim Seokjin huh? 

aish did i? 

*Seokjin has sent a picture*

Namjoonafter seeing the picture, my life go so much happier

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after seeing the picture, my life go so much happier.

Stob itttt, you make me blosh

you too ;)

Wait up Mr, I'll be there by 8.

make it seveeennnnnn

Whiny baby. Fine.

we'll see who's whiny then ;)


I laid down on the bed putting the phone close to my chest and smiling, what an idiot have I become? I feel like a teenager, hold up, I really need to get some clothes to go today...I jumped up to go through the closet, putting clothes on the bed, "Not this...definitely not this...,oh I still had this...When did I buy this??...Isn't this Tae's?" and after creating a dump of all the clothes form the closet on the bed, I rushed out to get something from the mall, also decided on buying some chocolates to take later on. And  it was a hell of a journey of reaching, choosing, trying, choosing again, buying and being back then putting  it on getting ready and being able to reach the place on time.  

There I was standing  in front of his place, had his name scripted on a guitar as a name board, Kim Namjoon. Sighing out I rang the bell. 


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