E p i l o g u e [🍒]

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Taehyung was also offered to be in several shows, his strong visuals had attracted many many people. But he did not want to step into the world of cinema. 

He was happy with what he was doing, and he liked it. Many would call it a waste of talent, but he loved what he as doing, and he was happy. 

Jimin had asked him several times, but his answer was the same. So when Jimin was sure, he was confident as well. 

Taehyung also had other reasons, probably some which he would not reveal to anyone else, but just to Seokjin. 

"I have loved Jimin all my life hyung. As long as I have been alive, half of it, I remember being in love with him, so even if I try my best, I am not willing to even act to be with anyone else. I love him, with all my being. Probably my definition of love is stupid, but I decide to stick by it. The whole of me, is just his. I don't make sense, do I?"

Seokjin ruffled his brother's hair, "Tae, baby, you do. And why were so afraid to tell this to hyung? You know, your happiness is what matters to me, right?"

"I do hyung, but still, this would be a good opportunity to leave..."

"I don't care if it keeps you happy. You both are doing fine, you don't need to do something if you don't want to Tae."

"I love you, hyung."

"You know hyung loves you too, my baby."

"You're gonna make Namjoon hyung jealous."

And at that, they both started laughing. They laughed at silly reasons.

Jimin had always been confident into what Taehyung was doing.  Because he always knew what to do. He mostly did not question his decisions. On himself at least. 

Jimin had his work settled, perfectly well, so did Tae. Both of them had everything settled and to Jimin, it seemed like a pretty good time to get married now.  They had been engaged for a while now. 

Tae had never hurried it. But now Jimin was growing impatient. But he did not know if he was waiting for Tae to bring it up, or actually ignoring it till Tae does. 

One day, when he couldn't take it in anymore, staring up at the ceiling while Tae had his arms wrapped around him, in the morning. He sat up on the bed, shaking Tae, "Tae, Tae, Tae, Taehyung fucking Kim, wake up, pretty prince of mine!!! Kim!!!" He whined and kept whining and whining till the man was up on the bed.

"Let's get married."

Tae's eyes shot wide open, "Now?"

"No not now, but like, sooon~! You know, we should start planning and all?" Jimin said, making his big, pouty lips and Jimin-puppy eyes.

"If you wanted to, I'd marry you right now though? Just probably grab a jacket?" 


"Yes." Tae said kissing him. 

"You know, I don't want a big flashy wedding, I want to get married in the lawn of the old house, where you and Seokjin hyung lived?" Jimin offered. Tae was listening, attentively, "I like to go back to where it all started. I want to decorate the place, and make it small, and simple. I want to go back to our high school and college, a day tour. And then have a feast, in the house."

Tae nodded, getting out of bed, searching for his phone.

Jimin looked up at him, "Are you sad? Did you want something else? I'm asking way too much right- you know, we can also do what you want, this is- this isn't the plan yet- it's okay if you-"

Tae would always kiss him to shut him up when he kept speaking without thinking, it was cute, but he had to pass his point.

He, without any hesitance, cupped his face and placed a firm kiss on his lips, and then on his cheeks, "I want you. So if you want to get married in there, I will get it done."

And there was Tae's reward. Jimin's wholehearted smile, his eyes going small. 

Fuck he could look at him smiling all day. 

tae    @V
planning my wedding with my man ❤

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Park Jimin    @parkj
so cheesy baby? i love you ❤

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