28. The moon and the earth

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

"Namjooniee~ I'll be laaaate, let go of meee~" Jin struggled in my arms as he struggled to get out while I aggressively cuddled him, giggling as he kept trying to move, "Jooonie~!" I grinned as I pulled him closer, he gave up after a while wrapping his arms around me as well, "Fine then, but you have to get me chocolate later." I grinned at my victory, "Deal."

We got out of bed way later when he again went in to cook for me, he loved to cook, and I loved it when he cooked for me, and loved the way he'd be happy and shy when I complimented him on how good his good was. I got out to get him chocolates, as many as he wanted, because I wanted to give my prince all I could till he was still my prince. 

"Jinnie~ here your chocolate." I said putting the set on the dining table as he jumped out of the kitchen all pretty in his apron smiling. "I told you to get me one, you almost bought the store." He grinned as he grabbed a milk chocolate and went inside the kitchen again. I washed my hands following him in, resting against the slab though my favorite place when he cooked was around him, resting my face on his broad shoulders, sometimes I'd just look at him and smile. He took small bites of the chocolate and continued to cook, damn I will never get over this, he said he was making something I said I loved way back and I couldn't be less excited or happy. 

I leaned in kissing him softly, feeling the taste of chocolate, I did that a lot when he cooked, and that was our way of complimenting, he said he knew I'd give different kind of kisses, when it smelt good, when I got too excited and his other categories, I kissed him again tasting the chocolate. And I was back to my favorite position, hugging him from behind. And I kept kissing him randomly with very small gaps until he finally said, "Do you want some chocolate?" I shook my head kissing him again, "Nope I like the taste better this way." 

We went back sitting and chilling on the couch, my arm around him, his legs pulled closer to his chest as he went through his phone and I read a book. "The course of true love never did run smooth." I said looking at him, "A Midsummer Night's dream." I smiled, "Act 1, scene 2." 

"Which one's your favorite?" He asked looking away from his phone, I replied instantly, "Macbeth." and he sat up, "You are someone who would love Macbeth, or Hamlet or maybe Julius Caesar." I kept my book on the stand squinting my eyebrows, "Why so?" He sat down in a more comfortable position, "You just seem to be the type to match the aesthetic." I nodded, "Uh-huh, you seem to be typically the type to like Romeo Juliet, or the Tempest, maybe Much ado about nothing or Midsummer Night's dream itself." "I do like them, all, what's there to not like either. Why typically Romeo Juliet though?" I replied with a small laugh, "Because it matches your aesthetic, classic love stories and stuff you know." 

We had talks on Shakespeare a lot, even his poetries, other writers too, I'd randomly say out his quotes before bed, love quotes mostly. 

And it was a fine morning until Hobi called up almost screaming so loud in the phone that we didn't need a phone to hear what he was saying. "OKAY GUYS LISTEN UP, TAE HAS THIS GAME AND HE WANTS US TO PARTICIPATE AND IT'S VERY INTERESTING, DON'T BE SPOILSPORTS AND MOODKILLERS AND JOIN US, RIGHT NOW." And to that, Jin screamed back equally loud, "I DON'T THINK I SHOULD IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT IT WAS."

And even without me knowing what it was, I now had four more people in my house, all excited as Tae suggested his plan, "So its Yoongi hyung, Hobi hyung vs Jin hyung and Joon hyung okay?" We all nodded like we were in an interview as Jimin presented  his board, "There are going to be three rounds, round one will be 'how well do you know each other round' where we will ask questions, each one of you will write down yours answers and if both of you get it right then one point, we will give points." 

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