51. Drunk

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:

Seokjin wasn't in the mood to talk, he was rather very mad, so he did it, something he knew would cause the media to break out again, Yoongi would threaten to block him, Jimin and Tae would express there day to day struggles of looking through it BUT it would satisfy his revenge for calling him uneventful and dry cause he was sure as hell wasn't settling it well. 

Namjoon on the other hand was just going along, irritated, yes but not showing it cause of course 'I don't care' and all. Hobi and Jungkook who had come over did notice it fine but didn't mention it cause what good would that too other than him starting a bickering again. Namjoon would occasionally say somethings which they would ignore and concentrate on this movie Hobi played where neither of the three had any idea what was going but pretended to watch while eating cereal, at midnight.

"Hobi hyung?" Jungkook spoke up suddenly.


"You know after the media covered the news of Yoongi hyung and you, though most of the people made fun of them itself, some of them do believe that somethings are going on, especially with #sope trending and all, there are all sort of comments. Most of them say you all are a good pair and all, but some which I don't want to talk to you about but is important for you to know aren't very cool either. It's funny though." 

"I did check some too, I just hope Yoongs doesn't cause he isn't going to take it like I did."

"I think you both should be careful from now, once they have their eyes on you, they'll try to invade your privacy continuously now and even if you both don't care, I don't think getting some private stuff leaked would be as not bothering as this was."

"Kook is right, hypothetically, if you both get together even, they are going to make a huge fucking deal of it and if you both decide to make it official then it is fine but them going around with their cameras around you would be...a bit too much."

Jungkook continued, "What I am meaning to say is, be careful and next time if something comes up, we report the channel alright?"

Hobi nodded, "They haven't done anything that bothering yet but yes, I do agree that we can't be sure they won't."

"I mean they go around finding topics which will interest the people, and if we see it in a practical way, their motives were satisfied, they got a hot topic trending, you both spoke up because of them and he engagements with the post is also risen." Namjoon added.

"Yeah, let's just hope they don't do anything more."


"I want to eat something now."

"Well you both could have got wine or anything on your way here but you decided to get cereal so...?" 

Seokjin, Yoongi and Jimin also were together but it was Tae who was supposed to come but to much of Jimin's irritation, he got stuck at work. When it was them three, they played up songs on the TV dancing to it randomly, all three of them would do the steps, sometimes laugh at each other and over all it wad fun, Tae was not the kind to join either ways. They had the bottles and the drinks on a table aside, each would go and take a sip anytime they wanted to, mostly it was Seokjin who had refilled thrice already, getting more hyped up by each. It was three guys having a party cause best friends don't need more people to have these sort of stuff. 

"Let's go live!" Jimin said looking at Seokjin, "Yeah yeah we haven't had one for days, hold up!"


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