19. D r i n k s

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(Warning: Harsh Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

We all sat down in Yoongi hyung's balcony, I felt bad because I was kind of surprised to see the designs of the house, it was cozy, and furnished well, seemed like someone has spent a lot of time in the planning and decoration, and knowing Yoongi hyung, he wouldn't do that, must be his brother. "Suga?" I asked sitting down as he answered from inside, "Yeah?" he got a few bottles and glasses with Jin behind getting the soda. They both sat down as Hoseok rested against the balcony, "Your bro decorated the place?" I asked making myself comfortable, "Of course, I like it, a  lot rather, I made the stand for the light." Hoseok jumped to look at it, "Whoa- you did? This is so cool, they say people who are quiet are good at these stuff." He said admiring the surrounding.

Yoongi hyung handed us one glass each preparing it, "You know, let's do one thing, definitely not my intention to get anyone drunk, but let's go, he confess one thing we don't really say out loud about anything, random, and for each person's confession, the other three drinks, and each skips makes you drink." Hosoek suggested sitting down, "Sounds good to me." "Yeah...?" "Sure, let's get drunk." Jin said crossing his legs sitting on the chair towards the opposite side in the corner.

"Who goes first?" I asked looking around, Yoongi sat on the floor, raising his glass, "I'll go-" he said laughing, "Once upon time, when I was a little kid, I don't know if this is a confession or not, but it's like a little secret I've been hiding, I used to go around to the river and made a wish and threw a stone in the water. I was not the one who had many friends, neither passed the vibe check honestly, so I wished for a friend-" Hoseok was smiling at him as he spoke, I could see the lights reflecting as his eyes were fixed on Yoongi hyung, love dripping, "-but then, our parents fell out. I stayed with dad, he got busier, it was sad, so I stopped going to the river. But then he got married again, and honestly, I don't think I have been happier when my baby brother showed interest in stuff I liked, it's like I asked for a friend, and got a best friend, I don't know if the river heard and fulfilled my wish, but I like to believe so..." he said smiling. 

"That was honestly so sweet, I can imagine little Yoongi throwing stones and wishing." Jin said smiling and making some gestures. He was holding his gummy smile happily. "You're honestly so cute Yoongs-" Hobi said in his love dripping voice. They did have a classic love story. We looked around as we drank, refreshing, "Nice,."

"My turn."  Hobi said raising his glass, Yoongi leaned against the wall with his knees close to his chest, resting his elbows on his knees now, "Okay, so I loved to dance from a young age, and I wanted to get better, so after school and when everyone fell asleep, I used to practice, and once while practicing in the dark, I fell and broke my ankle, everyone knows I was sleep-walking and fell, but that broken ankle reminds me of the dreams the little boy had." He said pointing towards the ankle, which had a scar. Jin was smiling at him, a proud smile, "You did it, didn't you?" He asked as Hosoek nodded. We all drank again.

"I'll go-" I said, "I couldn't think of one, but as we are getting onto childhood stuff, this was a blurred memory. When I first started the career, I were with other new debuts, and many of them were unsure, many wanted to leave, you know the feeling of uncertainty, but I always felt like it was okay, it would be okay, there were times which were especially low, but seeing the small little ray of light in the darkness. I think at one point, it had become too tense, but I didn't want to leave, I thank myself for that. To not giving up for me." I said as they clapped, "I'm glad you didn't." Yoongi said, "Yeah, me too." Hoseok said patting my back. 

Jin smiled, "I'll drink." He said drinking all four times, "Aahh- Jin hyung, new rule, you can only skip thrice." Hoseok said sitting down now. "Annnywaysss~ it's me again." Yoongi hyung said thinking, "Fine, I got one, I had a small tiny crush on Monie when he first started working with me." he said hiding his face as I laughed, "I knew..."

"You knew??"

"You told Ms Cafe, she told me that very day." I said as I could see Jin drinking while laughing.

"I'm very embarrassed now." He aid hiding his face.

"C'mon it's fine."

"Okay now it's the crush confession, okay..." Hoseok thought for a while, "I am not really sure if I should say this, it's very embarrassing..."

"C'monnn!! The drinks are there for it to NOT be embarrassing." I said cooing.

"Fine fine...Jin hyung-" he looked at him as Jin tried hard not to laugh, "Okay so, Taehyung-" he laughed again, "Okay phew, calm Hobi. Kay so, remember when Tae liked that guy real bad, and he started dating someone else?" Jin nodded, "We got drunk that night and-" we all gasped dramatically as Jin raised his eyebrows, "And?" 

"Err...well..ain't it guessable, we got the night to ourselves, and literally we were so fucking scared you'll find out and nail me." He laughed as Jin didn't try to not laugh anymore, bursting out, "Seriously, I wouldn't mind, but, I'll remember this. Wait I'll go-" He said before quickly drinking for his turn, "Around that time itself I think, even I thought you guys would be good together before I got to know he liked someone else, and then they got together." 

"Aish, it's only me..." I said thinking about somethings, "I can''t  think of one honestly."

"RM doesn't have stuff like that, he sees it, he likes it, he wants it, he gets it."

"I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it yeah-" Yoongi hyung and Hoseok started pointing the drink at me laughing, "Get the drink my guy-!!" They cheered as I drank. 

"Moving on- I think Hobi's smile is very fucking cute." Yoongi said without a minute hesitation, making Hoseok blush by the unpredictability, "I- I...Yoongs' has an amazing, lovely, pretty smile." He said as he pecked his lip, "Get a room you two!" Jin said teasingly.

"I think Jin is gorgeous, like very pretty, like the moon, you know not just his face, but him." I said pointing at him to drink, "Yes. Jin hyung, marry him." he said pointing at me, he was starting to get drunk, his actions became bolder and flirt-ier, nice. Jin stood up from the chair and made his place beside me, "Joonie's voice is sexy, brain is sexy, what's not sexy? Thank you for existing. OOH- also, I love his dimples." He said kissing my cheek. The only plot twist was that he was so NOT drunk.

It was clear Yoongi hyung and Jinnie were the heavy drinkers, Hosoek was a light drinker, and I fell on the middle, this is getting better.

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