30. XXX

260 19 5

(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

Two weeks~

I looked at the calendar, sighing. Joonie came into the room, "Joonie, you should start packing..." I said in a soft voice. He looked at me and my marked calendar, "There's roughly two weeks to go...till you leave." I said trying my best to keep my voice from breaking. He didn't say anything to that, there was nothing to say which could comfort me then, I just wanted to know for once, was this whole thing as heartbreaking to him as it was to me, was he going to miss me as I was going to, was this all meaningless but still made sense to him like it did to me, was he doing it for me to like I was doing it for him? I had several questions I could never gain up the courage to ask, rather I was way too afraid of the answer to find out the truth so I let it be that way, unanswered questions were way better than lies and definitely the heartbreaking truth.

He slipped his hands under my shirt turning me and pulling me close, I closed my eyes expecting a kiss, but I felt his arms wrapping around me, tightly, mine stayed at it's place, kind of shaking as he didn't let go, didn't let go till I softened down, didn't let go till I relaxed and didn't let go till I wrapped mine around his neck, holding him equally tight. His hands were still wrapped around me as I broke down in his arms, as the drops of water first started to roll down my eyes and then I started sobbing, he still held me as we stayed there, completely comfortable in the complete silence, as I sobbed, no words, just silent soft sobbing, letting out everything I could never bring myself to speak. Letting him see me, the most vulnerable side of me, as he stayed there, holding me. His presence gave me strength, he had intertwined himself with me, and he was going away taking a part of me with him, the part of me even I fell in love with, the part with he knew, and the part which he was going to have forever. I will never be able to be the same.

Ten days~

"Namjoonie~ What pizza should I get, you've been in the shower like forever!!!" I said sitting in the couch as some documentary played on the T.V. I didn't quite pay attention to, "Why don't you join me?" He said from the shower making me laugh, "I would but I'm tired~" I replied back giggling, "I'll carry you." this dude has PhD in flirting, he came out in a black shirt tugged in his black jeans, hair settled backwards, "Whhaaaat? Why are you all dressed up?" He rested against the couch with his elbow pecking my lips, "Cause we are going out." I raised an eyebrow, "We are?" He nodded, "Yeah get ready."

And we hit the road again, playing the music loud as we went to the unknown corner like it didn't matter anymore, we just wanted to go, maybe that's how special and meaningful every incident becomes. I rested my head backwards stretching my neck looking up at the stars, the night sky was my favorite, Namjoon said it was his too. He suddenly said out, "When I'll be gone, just look at the moon and know I will be somewhere in the world staring at it too. And I will just stare at it and think of you. It will always remind me of you." 

I smiled to myself, 'You are my earth, I am just a moon'. 

He stopped as we got down, it was dark, the whole place was dark, and unknown. It was above the hill, and we could see the whole city from here, small little lights, and the whole sky with the stars. Everything was dark and lightened at the same time, small sources of light, just how life was, finding happiness even in the darkest times. 

Seven days~

Each moment mattered, each second did, all of the touches, the little heart shapes he drew on my shoulder when I cooked, all the little ways he made me feel special, made me feel loved, all of the secret love letters, I had started the process of wrapping it up in an envelope and hide it deep inside my heart. I laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling as he jumped on the bed, smiling at me, "What?" I asked to his random smile at me, "Whaat?" I asked rolling towards him, "Nothing, I just get lost on how effortlessly beautiful you look." I went close, touching our forehead, whispering, "Stob it, you make me blosh khekhekhe..." 

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