86. WE Awards Announcements

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:

"Namjoon." Seokjin said as he walked in in Namjoon's house closing the door behind him and getting in, throwing his bad on the couch beside it. He maintained a tall and steady posture, with a dominant aura around him.

"Uh- hey Seokjin, you didn't tell me you were about to visit?" He said getting up, looking at the figure in front of him, Seokjin did not seem to be in a very nice mood, he wasn't supposed to be, he got pissed at Namjoon very often these days, their sex had reduced to, well nothing. He did not even get much close to him this days, probably this was Seokjin's way of teaching Namjoon and showing him what he was missing.

"Do I need to?" He said in a strict voice, Namjoon did find that hot but it was intimidating and the condition they were in, scary as fucking hell at the same point, and no, he did not find this very good for himself.

"Err not really, sit down." Namjoon said with a nervous laughter.

"Namjoon I will drop kick you." Seokjin said still standing, "What were those songs about, why do you sound so much in love in all of those but yet you keep pushing me away when it comes to us in reality?"

"Seokjin I have said this before-"

"Then stop writing about me, let me go, let me forget you, forget everything we had before, the things we did three years ago, and now, and let me fucking move on. If you think we cannot be anything more than you fucking me and fucking me up in both the literal and metaphorical sense then I don't want it, it was not me who got back once I cut you off, are you even in your right mind, it's simple Namjoon, you either want me, or you don't, this isn't even meant to be that much of a thing to think about." He ended his sentence and it felt like knives were stuck in both of their throats.

"Seokjin..." Namjoon came closer to him, cupping his face, only to get his hands snapped away by Seokjin, he moved back, "You know I want you, you know I have been waiting for you this entire years but-"

"Stop with the buts."

"I cannot. I cannot be selfish about my love-"

"You're going back there again- Oh God what the fuck is up with you."

"It's facts."

"BUT YOU ARE BEING SELFISH ABOUT YOUR LOVE. Where is the good you see here Namjoon? Why can't you take a risk, if I am ready too? Take it for me, if you love me. I don't care how cliche it sounds or how fictional it sounds, I want all of it with you, and if you do the same, risk it for me. Or let me go. You have two simple, clear and to the point options. Thank you."

Seokjin turned and left, definitely banging close the door leaving a speechless Namjoon overthinking every single word said by the man.

World Entertainment Awards @WEAwards
We are delighted to announce the nominees for 20XX World Entertainment Awards of all categories, stay tuned to find out your favorites and vote! Let's get started! Click on the link below to get the nominees and the page to vote!

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World Entertainment Awards, also called the 'WE' Awards, noted to be the most prestigious and important award show for the whole world of entertainment. Everyone waits for this throughout the year. It has categories from music, to cinema, to dance and covering all fields of entertainment.

Kim Seokjin @KSJin
Thank you so much to all of you. I am going to cry. I cannot thank you all enough! I love you all so much, I promise to work harder for you all!

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