10. i like me better when i'm with you

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

I pulled the door open smiling, idiot me asked him to arrive at seven and then spent the whole four hours just cleaning, I don't know if calling him early was the idiotic thing to do or keeping the place this messy but yeah anyways it was idiotic, anyone of them. "Hey!" I said on seeing him, he was wearing the glasses fuck. And was in turtleneck, I have said this many times, but he. is. pretty holy fucking shit. 

He walked up and pecked my cheek after coming in. Ah well not to be creepy or something but feeling his lips on my cheeks, was...really nice. He walked inside as I walked behind him smiling with my hand on my neck. "What are you giggling about?" He asked turning as I made a straight face, "No- nothing, nothing, you- you look great! Sit down, the bed is fine, you can sit on the couch too, and yeah- what do yo want to have? Like you don't really have to have right now you just came but- oohhphewww, Namjoon calm, hi!" He looked at me and then chuckled, "What are you so anxious about? Sit down." 

Yeah Namjoon calm. 

"I got red velvet cake, you want some?" 


"Also I got movies and stuff. What do you want to watch, I like documentaries and stuff but we can watch anything." I said bringing the red velvet pastries on two dishes decorated as I saw in one of the YouTube videos with two cups of coffee. 

And it has been two hours of us watching something, a little, half of it and then moving on to the next as the empty dishes and cups on the table, we were cuddled close, his head was on my shoulder and my hand was around him, I was playing with him. The lights were dim. Somehow we were watching 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' at the moment as he seemed very focused on it. From being the serious elder brother and responsible almost perfect person, he was such a baby cuddled and leaned against me and watching 'Charlie and the chocolate factory' under the blanket. And we were in a comfortable silence as I played with his hair.

He peeked his hand out of the blanket and changed it to something, he kept changing changing and changing and didn't really pay attention to what was going on, then switched it off looking at me. "Namjoonie~" I giggled the way he called my name and turned towards him, "Mhmm?" He got closer and pecked my cheek, "I love your dimples you know?" He said smiling, a smile which made my heart skip a beat.

"Are you hungry? Let's have dinner?" I asked as he nodded and slowly moved back and cuddled with the blanket and stayed on the couch. It was rare to see him this way and I liked it. I served the chicken drumsticks, stew and rice  and noodles on the dining table and switched on the light, "Jinnie, come on!" I called, smiling to myself at the recently assigned nickname as he came and sat down, next to me. "They look delicious, is your kitchen okay or did you order them?" He said making me laugh, "I ordered them!" He was laughing with me, "They're really nice, thank you." He said continuing to eat.

"Seriously, I loved your stew more." I said while eating.

"i'll make you more of it!" He said with a big smile, he really liked cooking huh? I loved that smile when he was complimented.

"Do you like the place?"

"I love it, I like the pictures you have up on the wall, also the pictures, I love the decoration of the wall also the way the curtains and the room everything match, the accessories are in the correct place, it's well maintained. The books you have? Have you read all of them? Cause I really liked many of them, I read them from the library, you have a fine taste in stuff." He said casually while eating while the only thing I could think of was WHEN DID HE OBSERVE SO MUCH? Also there he was back to being the organized Seokjin. 

We finished dinner but continued to talking when my phone rang, "Ah, colleague, excuse me for a second." I said showing a finger and walked out to the balcony, "Hello......yeah absolutely........no not really, I...err...have a friend over..........yeah, yeah absolutely, no no of course remember.........yes do send me the copy of the bookings........huh? Yeah okay..........yes. Yes goodnight." I hung up and muttered under my breath. 

I closed the door of the balcony and saw Seokjin standing in the living room looking at me he raised an eyebrow asking what happened as I just nodded, a just want a little bit longer, I know long distances don't work, but I like him, and I want a little bit longer, a bit more time. I sighed and walked towards. He smiled as I looked around amused seeing everything cleaned up. 

'Damn, I like me better when I'm with you
I like me better when I'm with you
I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause
I like me better when
I like me better when I'm with you'

(I like me better -Lauv)

I looked around as he played the music, "How-" I just dropped my sentence at amusement as he got closer, "Sure~" I said putting my hand on his waist and holding his hand with the other. Slowly moving and smiling, maybe even laughing as I moved him around, the lights were set to red, the song was setting the mood, I didn't know if this was on purpose or just happened. I held his finger moving him round and then pulling him close again. We moved, his fingers softly intertwining in mine as his other hand was on my shoulder. He giggled on the steps. The light highlighted his features on his face, his hair on his face made my heart soft, and his eyes were so tenderly looking, it hurt me to think that I'll have to leave him and go. His smile, his moves, the way his hair would move away and then as he sang along, his honey voice, it drove me crazy. We did a dip when I pulled him closer and held his waist tightly and closed the gap, locking our lips kissing his warm ones with my cold one. 

He was not surprised and slowly kissed back, placing his hand on my chest and pulling me closer by my collar and wrapping his hands around my neck, we broke grasping for breath as I turned his around pinning him against the wall as he connected our lips again, holding my neck with one hand and running his hand through my hair with the other, a soft moan escaped his lips as my hand slid down his shirt and I danced my cold finger on his waist, making him let out small moans in between the kiss. 

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