20. Kitchen

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(Warning: Mature Language) 

Seokjin's point of view: 

"Honestly no-" Yoongi said laughing out and lying down on the floor, it was around two to three in the morning, lost track of time and number of drinks. He had about...many?? As much to get me clinging onto Namjoon as he laughed out at silly stuff, flirted A LOT more and even talked more than he usually did. Drunk Namjoon was different, so was drunk me, seeing people drunk was really fun, like Hoseok completely changed. Like Hoseok and Yoongi change personalities when they are drunk.

"What about you, Jinnie~?" Namjoon asked turned towards, "I don't really have a preference, but I think tall, intelligent and well mannered guys with dimples are my type..." I said looking at Namjoon as he whispered, "As they should be..." These stupid giggles, and blurred knowledge of activities are what drinks especially get people, is it? "What about you?" He just stared at me, "I  don't know, tall guys, who look good in red converse, white shirt, likes to wear my clothes, and cooks really well, is very pretty, has broad shoulders, also has plump lips like these~" He said kissing me softly.

"Mhm! I didn't sign *hiccup* up for this, no- get a *hiccup* room-" Yoongi said, giggling and cuddling closer to Hoseok, "Ah look at you guys, what's the problem if we do it!" Namjoon complained, "Yeah I have school tomorroooww~" I said laying down on his lap, as he bent down pecking my lip, "I'll drive you home okie?" he said squinting his nose, "Okie..." I said giggling. 

"You know I'll miss you so much~"

I didn't remember much about the night after that, other than there was a lot of drinks, and tea and clingy-ness and  stuff like which was confirmed as I woke up with Namjoon's arms around my waist, my back touching his chest as we were closely cuddled in the balcony bedding, Yoongi and Hobi on floor, equally close, Yoongi's head rested on Hobi's shoulder, they were cute together. The open light woke me, but I couldn't move without waking Joonie up and I didn't want to wake him, so I slowly turned and cupped his face.

"Joonie...?" I asked softly.

"Mhmm?" he said in a sleepy tone.



"Wake up...Joonie~ Wake up, it's morning..." I used to wake up Tae like this before, which was funny but cute with his reaction.

He woke up after calling a few more times, rubbing his eyes and trying to guess where we were, "Aish, we fell  asleep in Yoongi hyung's house eh?" He said looking around to the sleepy couple on the floor, "They- they fell asleep on the floor?" he asked covering his face to not laugh at their uncomfortably comfortable position.

"Well besides that, I have school in 45 minutes."

"Fu- I mean- Eek- we have to leave in- you have to go to your house before, of course you can't go to school in this-" he rubbed his eyes and stood up stretching, "We have to leave in-" he looked at his watch, "now...we should wake them up?" 

I nodded as I gave him a glass of water, "Wash your face, I will wake them up." He nodded.

After waking the two sleepy babies up, Hobi was stuck in the washroom, shouldn't have let him drink that much, he came out after a while when we were about to leave, "Ah Hobi, you okay?" He nodded as he wiped his face in the towel, "Jin Hyung, you'll be late, you should leave." I nodded as I hugged him before leaving.

"I'll drive. You're still sleepy baby." I said pecking his cheek, "Mhm if you want to, sure-" he said handing me the key. 

And after almost twenty five minutes on the road, the house appeared, my house, used to be ours. I sighed, "You okay?' he asked holding my hand as I parked, "Yeah, I can't keep running away forever." He nodded as I got down closing the door and got down standing in front of the house. I shouldn't let myself think much. 

I walked in unlocking the door, but the surprise was that, there was some sound, of steel object moving, someone was in the kitchen, though a little hope got inside my heart, another consequence was that...a...thief? I took small steps towards the kitchen, slowly, and boldly, and then my eyes fell on the brown curls from the back. A tall guy wearing an apron in an extensive wrong way, stirring a spoon in the bowl. He stopped, for once, it seemed like a dream. I held the pane of the door, smiling at the view, I had never seen Tae cook, yeah he tried sometimes, but I could see the consequence aka my kitchen burnt, but this was nice. 

"Aish-" he said as the oil sprinkled on, making me chuckle, he turned right then with his big boxy smile looking at me, "Hyung!!!" 

"You didn't go..." I said as he rushed forward wrapping his arms around me as I hugged him back tight, his voice cracked, "Of course I didn't...I can never leave you."

We stayed there for a while, before I wiped off his tears, "C'mon no crying, don't you have college? And what were you trying to make. Take this, get something from the canteen today, I'll be late-" He nodded smiling as he went off, I changed quickly and left too, smiling to myself. Tae went out with me, waving at Namjoon, "Come in for dinner one day hyung, congratulations on scoring the man, you got my permission!" he said showing a thumbs up.

"Shut up Tae! I'll see you at lunch!" He laughed and went away.

"So he stayed." Namjoon said as I nodded.

I drove to school as he pecked my lip before I got out, he closed the door and leaned against the door, holding my hand, "You haaaave to go?"

"Namjoon, they are watching-" I said as he pulled me close pecking my lip again, "Fine, I'll call you after lunch." He showed his flirty dimple smile, "I'll be waiting..."

He let go of my hand as I went in, "Seokjin-"

I turned, "Yeah?"

He paused for a while, "Nah nevermind, I'll speak to you at lunch."

I nodded, "See you."

"See you."

(hehehehehh hope you like ittt, something's cominggggg upppp, stay safe and take care- sydREnzo)

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