56. Soft and Cold

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

The sky was turning dark from the afternoon turning into the dark, welcoming the moon to be up there to talk to lonely people at the night. But tonight I didn't think it would be the best time to talk to the moon, the sky was cloudy, the clouds calling once in a while, with the lightning lightening up the sky, revealing the different colors before it turned dark again. 

I parked my car outside the old house again, neither of us got the time to visit it in a long time, the grass has grown quite long, the bushes looked scary in the dark with it's deep bottle green color, the tree stood over it like it always. I switched on the lights of the front porch, the lights revealing the reddish brown color of the bricks below it with the white panes, I smiled before unlocking the door and pushing it in, the wooden floor making the 'tck' sound with boots. I switched my bag to the other to flick the light on of the hall way. The clock showed the time, thirty minutes to seven. Enough time to clean around and prepare the juice. 

I placed the bags on the kitchen counter, washing the fresh oranges I had put in the freezer, peeling and removing the white third membrane before putting them in the blender and getting it in the glass, adding a few ice cubes, and a few other ingredients which gave a good feeling when the cold juice went down, bonus, good for immunity. 

I left the kitchen to settle the pillows in the bedroom, switching the room lights when it started to drizzle, soon turning into heavy rain pouring down blurring the view on the outside, racing down the glass pane. I rushed to close the windows to keep the bed sheets from getting wet. The rain pouring down heavily, quietly, with the whistling sound of the wind blowing around, with the occasional but shaking clouds clashing and the lightning after it lit up the sky to unveil the beautiful colors hidden behind the dark, thick clouds. 

It was five to seven, lost count of time staring out of window watching nothing but the rain, I checked my phone for any messages, none, calls, neither, maybe he would cancel, it was raining quite heavily to actually be out at this time and it wasn't even that important for someone to go out in these conditions. I absent mindedly shrugged off the faint sound of a car parking outside, thinking it must be one of the neighbors or hallucination. But it went away when I heard the bell ring, once, twice and then continuously ten times or more as I rushed to open the door to see a rain drenched Namjoon at the door step. 

He showed me a packet with a goofy smile, "YOU ARE CRAZY, COME IN!" I said as he got in, opening his shoes and wet socks.

"It is raining so heavily, even the wipers didn't help much, I'm glad I got here safe." He said handing me the small packet he got, chocolates, milk chocolate, black chocolate, some of different shapes, vanilla, cream and cookies in it. 

"Thought you would cancel..." I said following him inside who walked in the house getting in the bedroom, he knew it around, of course he's been here before. He rubbed his hair trying to dry it, "Nah~" He said turning to face me, "It's a competition remember?" he smirked. I gave him my old oversized hoodie to change into, otherwise man would catch a cold for sure the next day, he was even starting to shiver a bit. 

"Don't you have some music to play around here?" He asked looking around, some of the left stuff in the room here and there, "There's a speaker there, might be broken, haven't been here in days..." I said as I put his clothes up to dry. He picked up, switching it up, "Time for you to listen to some real music." He said playing one of his songs, he made a sarcastic mocking face walking out, what the fuck does he think of himself? 

"Here~" I said putting the tray down, sitting down on the chair opposite to his, crossing my legs, the dim lights on, the sound of the rain still rustling in. He picked up a glass as I did as well, "Cheers~!" We both said before he took a sip, I stared at him, waiting for a reaction. He paused for a while, a cheesy smile on his face before he took another sip without any words, I still stared at him, his expression changing momentarily before going back to the smug look before he chugged down the whole of it. 

"So...?" I asked with a curious look. "What...?" He asked casually putting down the glass on the table, "So reviews." I said taking a sip of mine now, "Hmm...okay so...it's nice..." he said chuckling standing up with his hands on his knees back inside his pocket, "What do you mean by it's nice? Don't you know how to compliment someone when they do something for you? What happened to all your gentleman shit?" I said finishing mine, "According to me, it was pretty fucking good."

He turned to look at me, "Aw, do you want me to compliment you now? You did this for me? I thought it was competition...?" he said cooing. 

"Oh shut the fuck up, I was just teaching you manners!" I said putting down my glass before lifting the tray to take it to the kitchen. He followed with his hands in his pocket, looking around. "You got the walls repainted?" He asked as I switched on the light of the kitchen, "Yeah it was around the-" I sighed, "Tae's graduation." He nodded, we didn't talk while I washed the dishes. Sighing and turning around, resting against the counter. The juice was over, the rain wasn't, he still had a reason to stay, not that I wanted him or something. 

He was on the opposite side of the room, he came to sit down in the chair in front of me, "Do you still cook?" The dining table with the six chairs around it and the kitchen counter did not have much space between it, the room wasn't that big either, it was enough spacy and airy for a small family so it was all nice. But with him and me, his knees were touching my legs as he sat down, I noticed it but chose to ignore it. 

"Yeah, sometimes, when I have time..." I said smiling. 

"Do you still do the ridiculous amount of cleaning you used to do?" He said laughing. 

"Hey! Let me tell you Mr. I never did a RIDICULOUS amount of cleaning,  YOU were the one who was dirty as hell and it is not a RIDICULOUS amount of cleaning to clean the house everyday and dusting to do with it, it helps me destress and it keeps the house clean and-"

"Fine fine whatever~" He said back to the smug look. "Do you have some beer or something around?" he said to go around, "Yeah I do have some whiskey." I said turning around to grab it out. "Want some?" I said pouring it into two glasses, handing him one. Thank you~" He said getting back to his seat after looking at me up and down. Again, I chose to ignore it. 

We talked for a while, not necessarily old stuff, or not at all old stuff, it was a lot of mocking, refilling, somehow laughing, refilling, sarcasm, refilling, goes without saying a bit to a lot of bickering in between, refilling till we were, but laughing. 

"No no honestly tell me, how was the juice?" I asked again putting the glass on the edge of the kitchen counter, he rolled his eyes, "I told you it was nice~" he said again, "I TOLD YOU TO USE PROPER WORDS AND COMPLIMENT A PERSON PROPERLY WHEN THEY DO SOMETHING, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY NICE, IT WAS GOOD, VERY FUCKING BETTER THAN YOU MADE ME DRINK THAT DAY, YOU KNOW IT WAS GOOD, SO TELL ME IT WAS GOOD, LIKE EXCUSE ME, WHAT'S WITH THE BIG EGO, IT'S GOOD, YOU SA-" My words were interrupted by a soft and cold pair of lips on mine.

This arrogant smell again, taking over the taste of liquor on his lips, I didn't waste anytime in kissing back either, my eyes closing before I melted in the kiss. His hands were wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer, the other finding it's way inside my jeans. My hand got hold on his hoodie, the other going down below it craving more touch, feelings his abs. Our lips did not part, he slow taking the lead as I deepened the kiss, tilting my head as I leaned backwards. My lips parted to give him access to what he wanted. He slipped his tongue inside my mouth, when he had this urge to taste, I had this urge to let him. 

His hand went up on the button of my shirt, ripping off the first two, "Got the pretty neck baby~" he whispered close to my ear, sending a shiver down my spine, I had completely forgotten how deep his voice was, had the power enough to give me an orgasm through his words. His soft but cold lips on my warm neck made my hand twitch, it grabbed his bicep, I could feel his smirk against my skin before he softly kissed there, I arched my head backwards to give him more space. 

Started to fucking misbehave as soon as tasted the fucking alcohol. 

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