47. MV

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:

After pacing around the room the whole evening into deep thoughts, Seokjin finally could decide on how to deliver a congratulations but still making sure there was no other emotion acting between them other than h a t e.

Kim Seokjin   @KSJin
Congratulations to @RapMonster happy to be with fans 💝

Kim Seokjin   @KSJinCongratulations to @RapMonster happy to be with fans 💝

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Seokjin gave himself a pat in the back as he smiled at the post he just made before keeping the phone away but that wasn't about to happen to him, because his manager had a call a meeting right then. Letting out a groan, he opened his laptop and connected in, greeting everyone else. He kept his iced coffee beside him while they talked about different stuff.

"Seokjin-ssi, so I have mailed you the details, but of course as the meeting is being held, let me inform it to you too, in brief of course."

He nodded, keeping away the coffee, "Sure sir."

"So, after the Award show ceremony, the fans have really liked RM and your pairing. And with RM's new album coming up and everything, the managers and us we all had a talk, and you are featuring in his new music video!" 

The manager's exciting tone was quite or rather EXACTLY the opposite of what was going inside Seokjin's mind, he awkwardly gave them a smile, he was glad he didn't choke, "That's- that's great news." 

"Go through the mail, will you? And then we will discuss further in office tomorrow." Seokjin nodded though all the muscle of his body wanted to throw the laptop out of the window. But he sat there, smiling, "Meeting dismissed, see you all tomorrow." He switched off the laptop, as fast as he could. The 'ting' sound of notification on his phone made him pick it up.

"Of course." he muttered under his breath.

RM   @RapMonster
of course you're happy to be with me, so happy that you are coming all the way to shoot the MV with me ❤

             Kim Seokjin @KSJin
             Congratulations to @RapMonster happy to be with fans 💝

Namjoon did a little happy dance after the news because right there in the meeting he had come back with the answer to tweet which had been bothering him. For that while, the horror of shooting a whole MV with him did not seem to be a problem, but when Yoongi, who had have enough of his tl being filled with this decided to reply back.

SUGA    @AgustD
i hope you guys do realize y'all have to "endure" each other for a whole video

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