42. XLII

261 13 19

(Warning: Mature Language)

Third person's point of view: (I'm doing a 3rd person for the first time in this story lol)

Namjoon paced around his living room, almost smashing his phone against the ground but somehow he managed to throw it on the couch, it been a week or more after their incident and Seokjin had been ignoring him continuously from after that, all his attempts to get him to talk to him had been dodged successfully by the older. He was getting super fucking irritated at this point. He had tried to call him, but ended up getting forwarded, he texted him but Seokjin wouldn't even read his messages, visiting him felt too much but he did think of it too,  but he wasn't home when he went, he even asked Yoongi to ask him, but it didn't help either. But, Kim Namjoon would not stop there. He looked at his phone, squinting his eyes with the idea which had just clicked on his mind, aw poor Jinnie, he cooed in his mind before smirking and dialing the number. 

Seokjin on the other hand felt bad but didn't want to face the other male. He knew what he had done one drunk night was completely because he wanted to, but he also knew very damn well that the sober him would n e v e r allow that and now he cursed himself every second thinking of what had happened. Ignoring Namjoon every time he tried to call or text was very mean on his side but he didn't know what he'd say. So that was his only option. 

Thinking about what was about to come to him again, he was getting ready for his work. Hanging his brown coat on his arm he went out to his car, he had also planned to drop Tae off at his college before going to work, mostly because they weren't getting much time to spend together now that he was busy with his school work. "Take care, and be good. Bye bye~" Jin said waving at his brother who walked up to his boyfriend, pecking his lip before both of them waved at him. He could have what Tae and Jimin did with Namjoon, but, on the very least to say, they f u c k e d up real well. 

He parked his car and went out, greeting the gateman and the other staff, only for one to inform him that the supervisor had been looking for him. "Good morning ma'am, you were looking for me?" He said as she asked him to take a seat, the supervisor liked Jin for his good work through out his work time, so she looked concerned, "Have a seat Seokjin-ssi, I don't know how you will handle the news." Gulping at all the thoughts which were coming in his mind then, he sat down, was he about to get fired? What did he do? Would he be demoted? He sat down, looking at her, "Well, I understand your problems which you have been having, and you will get complete emotional support from my side, I am sure there has been a misunderstanding..." She started making Seokjin frown heavily, "What is the matter ma'am?"

She sighed, "Your husband called me up this morning." She said as if mentioning a very grave news, while Seokjin's expressions and mind went 'WHAT THE FUCK?!" He opened his mouth to say something only to be cut off by her, "It's okay, you don't have to hide anything from me, I totally understand. He said you have been ignoring him for a while but he has now found out what you have been hiding from him, he was quite hesitant to say what it was, but..." he looked away, "He...knows about your affair..." She mentioned making Seokjin almost scream out, his eyes wide open thinking about how many ways he could beat the shit out of Namjoon which whatever the fuck he wanted to, "I'm sure there has been a misunderstanding and I can grant you today's leave if you want-"

"YES PLEASE MA'AM, THERE HAS BEEN A HUGE MISUNDERSTANDING, SURE AS HELL." He said standing up, if he had to, he'd run home but stay and do nothing about it. She nodded, "I hope everything get solved between you and your husband Seokjin-ssi. Everything will be okay, I'll see you at work on Monday?" He nodded before rushing out, his boots slipping on the marbled floor when he almost dropped the tea on someone else, apologizing he ran out of the school, the students staring at their 'calm and sophisticated, very handsome and the best Mr. Kim, literature teacher' rrruuuuuuun out of the school, clutching his jacket like he would push anyone who came between him and his goal at the moment. 

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