VII. I'm a mess

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

My phone rang as I got out of school and was walking up to my car.


I picked up the call only to be greeted by Yoongi's voice instead. "Hey Yoongi, what's up?" I said getting into the car to drive back home, I even bought some ingredients to go back home and cook, "Ah Jin hyung, are you free in evening? Let's meet up for drinks, I've been meaning to call you for a while, but work pulls me back every damn day...anyways so...?" he said as I thought for a while, "Ah sure, I'll be at yours." his voice showed a relative change of happiness, "Amazing, see you then." "See ya."

While going back, I bought a box of chocolate, especially what Hobi likes, and decided to not cook and go for a light lunch, then sleep, because hell I was so tired. School has been planning a workshop, especially including arts, literature, history and sculpture, and there are going to be other schools, colleges and universities together, and even the can ask for seminars which will also lead to being a lecturer or a professor in any of colleges which offers you after the seminar. Things got busy selecting the people, sending and receiving invitations, preparing the students, self preparation, then they will choose the school representative to attend the seminar and also assign them an intern secretary to work with.

I got back home, changing quickly before I just had whatever I could find before falling asleep setting the alarm so that I could wake up and get ready, because punctuality is sexy. 

I rang Yoongi's bell at around eight with the box of chocolate as Hobi opened the door, pulling me into a hug, "Look who's here, the beautiful Jin hyung, you look so good, c'mon in!!" I blinked twice before walking in, "Are you okay Hobi?" I asked handing Yoongi the box, he opening it and putting one in his mouth then and there without Hobi noticing, grinning at me.

He handed me a glass as he carried the bottle and two more glasses upstairs to his balcony, they kind of re-designed the house after Hobi moved in, Yoongi showed me around. The curtains I had got for Hobi got shifted to their bedroom, they even got a picture of theirs framed, seems like got married already, I smiled to the thought as I walked upstairs. 

"How's work going for you?" Yoongi asked sitting down.

"It's actually have gotten very busy but in the same time exciting." I said crossing my legs, "Tell me about it." He said sipping his drink while Hobi was in the room talking to someone on the call. "Okay so a workshop is supposed to happen, including the fields of arts, literature, history, sculpture etc, and the schools, colleges, universities around the cities are doing it all together, and there is going to be a seminar with the representative of each school and they can be offered to be lecturers and if they like them, professors in the universities which offers them. Each representative with be given a secretary among the interns too, we're taking the training now, they will choose the representative later on." I said before sipping mine, he looked impressed.

"That's really an innovative idea, you should attend the seminar." 

"Only the representative does with the group of interns though."

"So apply for that." 

"It's selected by the heads, but I will try."

"You'll do amazing." He said smiling.

"How is work for you? You said it's tiring?" 

"Yeah, like it's okay I like to work, so it's not that hectic, we're having to stay back a bit to handle some of the bits, that's different from what I usually do and with Rapmon gone and all, so it's kind of different, but when he's back, he have a lot of stuff to take care of so you can say it's going to be very damn busy-" he stopped looking at me for a while, "I'm...I'm- sorry-" poor boy got lost of words till I assured him it was fine.

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