12. C'mon baby

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(Warning: Mature Language, smut)

Seokjin's point of view:

He had me pinned under him, my moans of need made him smirk, it turned me on more as he bit down my neck and chest, I didn't think he'd be like this, no complaints though, fucking love it, he smiled as he said,"You are a gorgeous work of art and I admire every bit of it." he tapped his fingers on my swelled lips, "Suck it." he said as I did like I was told, coating them well as the good little slut I was for him. He kissed my neck, my sweet spot as he swiftly slid a finger in  without a warning making me gasp and moan out loudly, "Aaah~!" as he started moving them instead making me roll my eyes out of the extreme pleasure he was giving me.

He kept teasing his fingers in and out of me making me move but he had me tightly held hostage, my dick was straining over my stomach as I begged for some relief, precum leaking on my stomach as he kept teasing me. My veins were throbbing in need as I breathlessly begged, "Please...daddy..." The precum kept leaking and I couldn't stroke it. I bit my lip as he pulled out his finger out of my hole as straddled my chest and moved me forward.

He looked down at me as I opened my mouth realizing what he wants as he entered his large dick inside my mouth, I felt his tip touching the back of my throat as he moved fucking my mouth, I started to bob my head, up and down as much as I could as taking as much as he gave me. My neck hurt with the force, "You're lovely,.." He cooed as he grabbed my hair and jerked my head inside. Tears ran down my cheek as it was painful and hurt without being able to breath as he held me in the positing while cumming in my mouth, his voice sounded like an order as he let go on my hair, the compliments made me close my eyes shut and cheeks burn, "Swallow all of it." He said as I did. 

He pushed my body back, sliding his finger in again as he dominantly engaged our lips in a kiss, I was out of breath as moans escaped without my will in between the rough kiss, he started to move his fingers as my let out a cry, he was teasing me continuously as it made me cry out of all the pleasure, he pushed another finger in without warning again making me almost scream out, my hands were tied up even tighter as I held onto it, "Ah- ah- ah~ ah~! AH~!" I moaned out as they became faster with his fingers being curled in and out making me his good little whore under him, begging for more and more.

"Tell me what you want~" he said pushing his finger in as he hit the sensitive bunch of nerves making me lose the words, "Tell. me. what. you. want-" he said as he got closer to my ear again, "C'mon baby~" I bit my lip, "F-fuck..m-me~" I managed out forming words out of the pleasure as he pulled out his fingers swiftly, he was between my legs.

He pushed his dick in me without any warning yet again as I clutched onto the ties tight closing my eyes shut and screaming out as he started moving almost instantly driving me crazy. He bent down and bit my neck hard, hard enough to drawl blood as I screamed out at the sudden action, he made a tch sound, "That's-...going to be difficult to hide at work-" he said smiling very satisfied at his beautiful work on my skin. I wrapped my legs around him giving him more and full access to be as he kept moving. Screams escaped my lips as I struggled to prepare myself but he gave me no time to.

At this point the pleasure and the pain dazzled my mind to even make me think straight and get it right. My arms hurt, my neck hurt but the whole of it felt too good to care. My vision blurred our as my body moved at his orders making me lose complete control sand becoming vulnerable under him and his irresistible touch. 

"You're so tight bunny~" he groaned making me shiver as he hit on the sensitive spot, my moans were loud and whimpers escaped my lips as I got closer. He kept hitting on my sweet spot as I whimpered and moaned out loud, crying softly, "C-close~" I said as I was not in thee state to form proper sentences, with a few more go-s, I came on my thighs, breathing out loudly as he let go of my ties but didn't stop moving through my orgasm. 

He turned me around entering me again as I was on my fours, my knees were too weak to support me as he kept moving, it felt so fucking good that the pleasure took over the whole of the pain, he was fucking me so good making me his sweet little whore, and I loved it, he kept kissing my back and shoulders as his arms were around my waist moving my body. I moaned and arched my head backwards as he held a fistful of my hair while moving, "H-Harder~ S-sir...~" I moaned as he hit me hard making me scream out of the pleasure he was filling me in with making my mind blur.

He turned and pushed me down again to see my expressions desperate crying and moaning needy and begging for him to fuck me harder each second, I took in me all he gave me as I held him closer, scratching his abs and his back making deep marks, he groaned out and that as he was sucking my neck, I was constantly whimpering and moaning as I got close again, I couldn't take one more orgasm as he fucked me hard. "Joon- joon-ah~" I said as I looked up at him, tears burning down my cheeks, "Cl-close~ a-are you...?" he nodded as he connected our lips again kissing me roughly, biting my lower lip.

His dick hit my sensitive spot making me moan out his nane each time out of the pleasure as I got close, "I'm~ aaah~ I...m....cum-cumming~" I said before releasing, he bend his head down groaning as he filled my ass with his cum. We both laid down panting as he pulled out. Smiling.

Our lips were swollen as he gave me a wet kiss before lying down beside. He pecked my lip, "Did you like it...?" He asked brushing my hair off my face as I nodded, I was tired and sore but I loved it, every bit of it. 

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