81. Listen to your heart

236 14 3

(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

It was a random, out of emotions, heart leading the head and moving up in front blocking out the supposedly long gone common sense decision. With the album coming, I don't know how I made  it possible, but on the other hand, no matter how much intelligent I look, I don't know hw I got myself in this sort of messed situation yet again so I make some things come possible. I myself have stopped questioning myself about what the fuck is going on.

It's true that I can't stop my pens when there is too much going on in my head, even though I try to divert in through raw humor, it's kind of eating me up slowly now. And writing it down is one way of relief, releasing it is another way of messages, saying words I cannot say in real life, I don't have the rights or the guts. 

Should have done it way back, but better late than never. It was done quite fast, but I was satisfied with what came out of it, it was the truth, but I couldn't say it, it was untold.

namjoon    @RM
'The Truth untold' out now! 

namjoon    @RM'The Truth untold' out now! 

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@ Twitter#1
people say 'you become like the people you hang out with', namjoon i trusted you, this is all yoongi's way of surprise songs, aint it? so im not at all allowed to survive peacefully anymore, all my favs are gonna surprise me most unexpected moments and im just sitting here. im not at all complaining though, not at all, please-

@ Twitter#2
Replying to @ Twitter#1
bestie lost it

@ Twitter#3
for one thing, WOW, secondly, this doesn't seem like it was supposed to be a surprise only for us, but the lyrics, please...be a namjoon stan, you will NEVER regret it, his songs literally fuck me up, tear me apart and put me back together.

@ Twitter#4
The song is so deep though, as if his ones aren't but i say this everyday, this one is like, really hurts me, its calm and its cold but it talks about the missing warmth what the fuck kim namjoon stop playing with me

@ Twitter#5
why is it like, unapproachable, like regrets, hurt, love, and lots and lots of love but not geting it? its like a story, its like he's trying to tell something specific through it.

@ Twitter#6
"You know that I can't show you me, give you me, the weaknesses I hide that you can never see, I wear a mask so that I could see you, but I still want you" this isn't just something, this is longing, this is pain, i can never get how he writes these, kim namjoon drives me fucking crazy with every song. 

@ Twitter#7
okay but, "i write my songs for my moonchildren" this CANNOT be about me, I DENY this fact, no. 

@ Twitter#8
for legal reasons, i will be passing away.

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