43. C h a n g e s [ XLIII ]

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view: (again heheh!)

~Three years later~

Things had changed for all of them, hugely, vastly, tremendously. For those who managed it, were going their ways, one got rid of something which had been holding him back for days into the web he never wanted to be in in the first place, for the other, it inspired him to go ahead, one went his own way, but getting an headstart, while for the other, it changed his entire life swirling it around. What had happened, how it exactly it all changed was what the three years had built them into, for some, somethings never changed, because that's what made them who they were today, but for a few others, it is what pushed them all the way forward to be who they were, things changed, or...did they?

"Hi I am Olivia Johns and back to the Olivia show! I am here with- who is it!!!" She announced cheerfully as the spotlight fell on the man walking in on the stage of one of the most prestigious and popular shows worldwide.

The audience screamed loudly, cheering for their favorite who was smiling and waving, blowing kisses at them as he walked in, shaking hands with the host. "Soo!! Who do we have here!!!" She asked the audience as a huge wave of cheers went across, "WORLDWIDE HANDSOMEEE!!!!"

The man took his seat, smiling as the camera focused on him, he blew a kiss at the camera, smiling, "Hello! I'm Jin, Worldwide handsome." he winked, making a finger gun, he said playfully, "You know?" Another huge wave of cheers went up the audience.

Movie World News @MoviesWorldNews
Actor Kim Seokjin @ KSJin with his new movie 'Epiphany' becomes one of the top ten most paid actors this year! Movie 'Epiphany' ruling the charts and becoming the #1 of the week!

Movie World News  @MoviesWorldNews Actor Kim Seokjin @ KSJin with his new movie 'Epiphany' becomes one of the top ten most paid actors this year! Movie 'Epiphany' ruling the charts and becoming the #1 of the week!

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Kim Seokjin, everything started when a director who's company wasn't doing much well had noticed him and offered him the proposal to act in a movie, had debuted with his movie 'Awake' as one of the protagonists, the movie being huge success, bringing up the company as well as his demand and popularity. He started to get a number of proposals, doing a number of movies, he came hugely popular among the people, his beauty also attracting a huge number of people. His acting being at it's finest. No one had seen a new talent emerging at that point, now ruling the world of Cinema.

News of Cinema @CinemaNews
Actor Kim Seokjin @ KSJin crowned the 'World's most perfect face' with a golden ratio according to science! Among fans he is rising with the name of 'World Wide Handsome'.

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