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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:

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SUGArs around the globe are celebrating @AgustD's song 'Seesaw' debut as #1 on Billboard Hot 100!

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Jimin being the amazing brother he was and Hoseok being the amazing boyfriend he was had thrown a surprise party for Yoongi. Everyone else and some of the other friends being there. It was nothing much but some drinks, eating, dancing, singing and repeat. 

And from the beginning of the party, Tae and Jimin had been sticking around together, both of them drunk, they were first dancing but it soon changed into Jimin being on Tae's lap and they were making out but no one seemed to be bothering them so it was going well and fine. 

Hobi was talking to some of his friends with drinks and dancing around with the others. Hobi was best at it, whether it be dancing or drunk dancing.

Yoongi and Namjoon were sitting together talking, both of them were drunk and listening to Jungkook who was telling something to them. Both of them were listening to him attentively as he used his arms and moved them around explaining something big and the others were listening with their complete attention. 

Seokjin was going at it at the dance floor, he didn't care and was open, completely throwing his hands and hitting the beats. Soon pulling the others with him and all of them joined him, surrounding him and jumping with him, with Namjoon and Yoongi clapping in the back. 

Everyone cheering and laughing as they went on it, Hobi encouraging Jin like 'GO AT IT BESTIE! LET'S GO!' Tae joining in it and Jimin being all extra enthusiastic about it. Jungkook was on top of the counter with his drink and singing at the top  of his lungs. Seokjin was at his peak as he and Tae were at the center dancing to match the music like there's no tomorrow. 

Seokjin's pushed his hand to pull out his phone which was vibrating in his pocket. His smile going away instantly and his dancing stopping immediately. He pushed his way out of the crowd.

Mr. Kim...

Mr. Kim was no one but his dad. He didn't like to call him his dad or anything. He didn't know why suddenly he was calling, yet again, after three fucking years. That's what they did, always. Disappearing for years and coming back when they needed to. It didn't bother him but it did fucked him up. As much as he tried to run away from young times, they always managed to find their way through him when he was happy and mess with his brain. 

He picked it up the second time. 

"What the fuck do you want." He said in a sharp voice. 

"Seokjin. Hi...It's me." He heard his mother's voice.

"Yes I know. What do you want too." He said rolling his eyes. 

"It's just that we were in town and our house is-"

"Correction, my house." Seokjin said, no hint of any emotion in his voice. 

The way his parents always talked to him, with the little apologetic voice, making him fell guilty for everything, and then go back to blaming him, and last time they wanted to take Tae away, he knew something was up this time too. 

"It's our house Seokjin." Jin didn't bother to speak up this time, "We found it locked and none of you are home, we-"

"You are in my house?!" He said now shocked and irritated.

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