45. Light pt.2

209 14 5

(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

RM   @RapMonster
baby koo @JjKoo with p.c. @Hope he's mad i said mint cho was bad and wouldn't click a picture. i just said i don't like it. 

J-Hope   @HopeReplying to @RapMonsteryou said it tastes like toothpaste wth!!!??? 

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J-Hope   @Hope
Replying to @RapMonster
you said it tastes like toothpaste wth!!!??? 

RM   @RapMonster
Replying to @Hope
i also said SORRY!!!

Jeon Jungkook   @JjKoo
Replying to @Hope and @RapMonster

"Hobi STOP TEXTING I'M SITTING BESIDE YOU!!" I said looking at him throwing him his cushion as he threw one back at me. Jungkook was sitting on the other side watching and giggling at the whole argument of Hobi, lover of mint cho, and me, on the opposite party, boy must have gotten more than half of it on recording. 

"C'mon c'mon let's drink something and not argue about mint cho, something which does NOT taste like toothpaste-"

"NOT YOU TOO JUNGOOOK!!!" Hobi protested as I fell back on the couch laughing out at his sudden statement, "That was amazing Kook!!!" I said holding my stomach while laughing as Hobi now had two vs one, "Both of you get out of my house, I don't want y'all around!!!" He said throwing the rest of the cushions at the both of us as we both were now on the floor laughing at his outburst anger, we both got closer, hugging him from the side, "C'monnn you loooobh us!!!" I said smirking, Jungkook joined, "Where would we go at the darrrkk night, what will we do without you Hobi hyung~!!" He said dramatically. 

I put my head on his shoulder, "Without us, who would watch scary movies and then watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and then dress up and scare each other with??" 

Jungkook copied, "Who would laugh and cling onto and watch those kids movies with?"

We both said at once, "Who would get drunk and cry about Yoongi hyung weeeth??"

"FINE FINE ALRIGHT!!" He said, hugging back, "Anyways~" We three sat back down on his couch.

"Honestly, Jungook is one of a kind." he said sighing.

I added to it, "Definitely is, remember when he met me and-"

"NOOO DON'T SAY NO NO NOT THAT AGAIN!!!" Jungkook tried to stop me from saying as I laughed and spoke in between his palms trying to cover my mouth and my laughter, "When- when- he first met me, and I said, hi I'm Kim Namjoon and you are-? And he went, questioning my sexuality-!!!" I said as Hobi and I laughed out to an embarrassed but laughing Jungkook.

"But honestly it was  a good line though~" Hobi said looking at the boy, "Y'all want something to eat? Let me get something from the kitchen." Hobi said as we nodded, sitting down and checking what was up because Hobi didn't like looking into the phones while we were hanging around so Kook and I did it usually when he went out or something. I frowned at the new arrived post, "WHY DOES HE HAVE TO POST WHEN I DO, EVERYTIME!!?" I said speaking out to Jungkook and loud enough for Hobi to hear. 

I had met Jungkook when he was a trainee in the company, he was a model, suits him well enough with how hard he works out and his visuals, but he also had a huge liking towards games, he played a lot of them in his free time. Jungkook and I became great friends and Hobi liked him too, we three became good friends and we hang around anytime we get time too, from knowing Jungkook, one thing we well know is he would do anything but get into a relationship AND he has no regards of his personal safety. You challenge him, who gets down the stairs first, boy would fucking jump down or slide down, might hurt himself but win. 

Hobi walked into room, trying to say something with mouthful of food as he handed each plate to Jungkook, "I think I have figured out why that happens so much." He said in a serious tone, Jungkook suggesting his idea in an innocent curious way, "STALKING??" Hobi scoffed, "Nah nah, come closer." Jungkook and I bent down stretching closer, without blinking, absolutely serious when he said, in a low voice, "I think it's a love connection." To which I jumped up and Jungkook broke out into fits of laughter. 

"I FUCKING HATE YOU. YOUR MINT CHO SUCKS!" I said in order to offend him but now they both were laughing and high fived each other. 

Hobi opened his phone, checking his post, only his smile to turn soft as he pointed towards Yoongi, I facepalmed, "HE LOOKS SO CAOUTE!!!" 

"We know, Hobi."


"We know, Hobi." 

"Who is the other guy?" Jungkook asked, "It's Taehyung, the guy Namjoon "hates'" brother." Hobi said. 


"Taehyung hyung and his boyfriend, Jimin hyung used to be in the high school I was in, but they were in the third year and I was in the first, Jimin hyung was the captain of our basketball team, that year, our school went to the nationals. Taehyung also won the finals in swimming, they were called the "famous high school couple" through out the whole school." He said like he usually shared  little pieces of information and we heard them curiously and attentively. "We kind of knew each other, but like, I used to be Jeon in college, we were in the same college, and I didn't like people calling me Jungkook because I thought bullies would spread my name Junk Food and I would have a horrible college time, and Jeon was cooler for me...so they knew a Jeon probably."

"They got called the "famous college couple" in college, we teased them so much about it before we realized they enjoyed it." Hobi added, "Really, junk food?"

Jungkook laughed at it, "I'm so happy that they are still together." Jungkook said smiling, he was so honestly happy for others and had no other intentions towards it made me so soft. He was such a nice guy at heart.

"Hobi?" I asked, he gave a small 'hmm?' as I continued, "Why don't you text Yoongi hyung?"

"And what? It's been over three years and I text him suddenly like a crazy ex who still hasn't gotten over him and be like what? Hey I am the dude who broke your heart, I know it's been three years but I am sorry please take me back?"

Jungkook gave a small, "Oop." Making me trying my best to not laugh.

"And neither do I want to fake hating each other and bicker like kindergarten kids on the social media because we are too scared to text each other-" 


"I'm so sick of this-" Jungkook started as Hobi and him btoh sang together, "Fake haaate~ Fake haate~" 


"It's my house!"


It wasn't fake, all he is is another celebrity who I don't get along with and he likes to fire that so the world around knows we hate each other, it's not my fault I like to point out the actual facts to what he tweets and Hobi and Jungkook won't stop there, whatever. Hobi, finally realized how much he was in love with Yoongi hyung, now that he was j-hope to the world, he still decided to keep it entirely one sided but cry about it to us when he wanted to. I don't want to bring him up in front of Yoongi hyung because though Hobi and I are hella close, they had a messy break up and Yoongi hyung to tackle himself well was very brave and I can't afford to break him after being so close after all these years. There was nothing between me and Seokjin other than difference in opinions in everything and hate. And I didn't have time for anything for than that, I had to practice for the upcoming performance on the 'Award show of the year' for the best rap single. We all know Rap Monster wins. Fuck, now I'm embarrassed even though I just said it in my head. Mental KEY SMASH OIDFIHAHEHIO!!!

(hobi's living room in the header and another light hearted chapterrrr!!! also two chapters in a day hehheheeheheh)

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