17. Yoongs, Hob-ah, Monie and Jinnie

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

"Yaaah Yoongi-hyung, I'm really happy for you." I said as we took our seats in the private room in the balcony, he flashed his gummy smile as he sat in front of me beside Hoseok who sat opposite to Jinnie, who was beside me. Jin and Yoongi hyung did find an instant bonding though when they started talking as Hoseok and I tarted talking, Hoseok was a very open person if I should term it as, he is very fucking quick in making someone believe and trust his life on him, like his smile,his way of talking, dude got charms, and I see how Yoongi liked him, like o b v i o u s l y.

"Ah, Namjoon-ah, he's really nice." he said as we sat down. "You know, it feels like I'm back to high school days, we used to play A LOT of truth of dare then, it was kind of a thing to spill tea and stuff though...!!" Hoseok said smiling, "Right?? Even we did!" I said grinning, "It was basically something which went with everything!!" 

"Okay, soo, let's start with, tell me Hobi, how come I didn't know what's happening?" Jin said riasing his eyebrow, "but you know I don't mind, tell me how you guys met?" He said resting backwards, if he wasn't such a sweetheart, he could really be a boss bitch, like a hot boss bitch. Yoongi hyung's cheek became the bright pink as he looked at Hoseok who was also shy but was smiling, casually drowning into each other's eyes, nice. "Who's gonna start?" Yoongi asked as Hoseok pointed at him, "We'll say from both of our povs, only if y'all say it too!" Jin looked at me as I raised  up and down my shoulders, "Sure, absolutely, let's go..."

"Fine okay, long story short, remember my car was sent to repairing? And I had to take the bus which in turn made me late?" Yoongi hyung asked.

I grinned, "Of course, and then you tried to pull the push door and YOU KNOW WHAT? He was very pissed this one day and he pushed this pull door and then this one dude went, 'You have to pull it' and we went like, 'Yeah next option was to lift it from the ground' and went in." Jin's eyes widened as he and Hoseok looked impressed with the sass of our swag Suga.

"And yeah, the day I got it, Hob-ah put a bent on it..." He said as Hosoek hid his face, embarrassed. "In my defense, I was in a hurry!" He said as Yoongi put an arm around him, "Anyways, so that made me so mad, I had mentally prepared a whole conversation of me almost screaming but then he rat out so worried and started apologizing, and no one, I repeat NO ONE could ever be mad at a man like that!" 

Jin laughed, "So basically Hobi apologized while you fell for him." 

"Legit yes. And then he took the car to repairing and asked to get coffee, I texted Monie that I wasn't coming anytime soon and this is why."

"AND I THOUGHT YOU WERE BUSY AND YOU WERE ON A DATE?! Wow." I was offended but happy, It was good-bad situation.

"And then we stayed and talked till the car got repaired, he had told me his name and shop name, also the way he got impressed when I said I was a producer at the company, he almost let the while shop know." Hosoek interrupted laughing, "It's a huge damn deal okay, that was so impressing, I was almost in tears of impressed!! Also, my turn." He said as Yoongi pointed, "Sure, go ahead."

"And yeah, the next day, he appeared in my shop, smiling, like he had his hair on his face looking all  cute and his smile is like, my heartu is soft, he came in saying he was passing by, and we talked again, we started talking a lot, I got his number and yeah~!" He said grinning as Jin raised an eyebrow, "I'd honestly let Yoongi say it the way you said it Hobi."

"Y'all don't need details!"

"Yeah I was teasing you."

"Honestly there's a lot more but yeah no more details, let's keep stuff for later, your turn Mr.s" Yoongi said as they smirked. 

Jin looked at me, smiling a his ears turned red. "Who starts?" Honestly I am flustered now. "I will..." I don't want to say all of it too, I'll let him end it, I need to know the story from his pov too but I will start it, cause,...err...yeah-

"So after our break started right?" Yoongi nodded, "I went to go around the city and I wanted to get some flowers for my vase which had been lying empty for days, but it was late, and one shop  was open, your shop-" I said looking at Hobi as he made a satisfied face, "And I went there where I met Jin. He was honestly surprised to see someone buying flowers that late, but that was the only shock there, which honestly made me happy, and yeah I walked him home."

"Wow, that is like one of the most epic meetings in the history of love stories!" Hoseok said.

"Shut up Hobi." Jin said hiding his face.

"Anyways, next day, unlike you Yoongi hyung, I wasn't "passing by" or anything" I said teasing, "I went to look for him, greeted by your boyfriend who gave me the way to his work, and didn't tell me that it was still loooooong for school to get over, and I literally counted the bricks on the wall, and even tried to count the number of leaves on the tree before he actually came..."

"Love need patience Monie!" Yoongi teased me back.

"Anyways, so yeah then we kind of hung out a lot, talked and yeah, went out, and here we are." 

Hobi gasped in offended, "You fast forwarded the whole thing!!"

"No details, remember Hobs?" He grinned. Yeah, a sexy boss bitch. I grinned as Hoseok made a pout.

"We should order though-"

"HEY! I did order before coming, they didn't get us-" Yoonig said turning around as Jin frowned before pointing out with a face palm, "You locked the door, maybe they thought we didn't need it yet, hold up." He said opening as a waiter came in with the starters.

There he is, Kim Seokjin. He really is one of a kind. Yoongi pulled me close, whispering, "Monie, you're in love." Fuck yes, I am. 

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