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(This is actually the movie which is written from Seokjin's point of view here. This is how the movie goes.)


How long has the moon
And earth been together like this?
Can I be by your side, shining with existence?

[Jin's voice] A man. A tired lonely soul. Everybody thought it was just someone who floats around. When did life start to be so much of an adventure? Filled with so much? The reason to wake up every morning and the reason to go on. Life really did change a lot.

To my earth, from your moon.

This is for you. Cause everything changed for me when you came in my life.

You are my planet
I'm just a moon to you
Your little star that lights up your heart
You are my Earth
And all I see is you
Just staring at you like this way

They sing a song about how they were the groupie and you were the star, but you, you are not just a star, you are someone I go around, who's always if not in my sight, then in my mind and goes without saying in my heart. When did it all start? One drunk night when you bought flowers? When I was not even a groupie. I was someone no one considered as someone, just around cause I had to exist. You came like a reason to go on. I never thought someone would make me feel that way you did. It was foolish but within the time which stopped, you came closer than ever and suddenly I wasn't lonely anymore. Funny how you got me so hard that everything of me started to be so full of you that I forgot how life was without you.

Everyone says I'm beautiful
But my sea is black
You're the one with the flowers blooming
And the sky is blue

Everyone says I'm beautiful, my face, they don't know me, they never tried to. You did, your color, blue, it turned my black sea into a blue one. You always asked me why I liked those quotes so much, they were not quotes, they were how I used to describe my life. They were how I saw you. I remember every moment, the love, the life, the two months. Those two months are always going to be the best I have ever had, would you let me feel those for the rest of my life? Only you can make me feel that way.

Suddenly I wonder
If you're looking at me right now? (Oh)
Won't you find out all my pain? (Oh)
I'll be around you

But. You had to leave. And I couldn't take it. I turned my anger into a stupid decision. Did you accept it because you loved me? Did I set you free? Give me the answers. I demand for it. Because this was the point I felt clueless but I felt love. So much love. Ten months and all I was was a missing piece of you. Everything I had had already become of you. How dumb was I to make all this go away or even try to? Cause it never did. We could have tried. Couldn't we? The fight, what you said to me, rings in my ears everyday. You don't even consider me.

I'll be there for you
I'll be your light
All for you

All of this. All three years and all my name, my fame, where I am and all I did, why did I? All for you. I will not bed for your consideration, but you will be forced to give it to me. Reaching to the top to compete with you, was all for you. Is all for you and I think it will always be for you.

I didn't even have a name
You loved me until I met you
And now you're my reason

It's crazy, how I had become. But here I was, shooting my first film. Then there I was, everybody knew my name, yet I kept thinking, did you? And kept going till I reached the level you were at. Loving me like you did. Because you had become the reason of all this. Might even see the end of where this love would take me.

You are my planet
I'm just a moon to you
Your little star that lights up your heart
You are my Earth
And all I see is you
Just staring at you like this way

On the stage. I was looking at you. There I was. I was having fun competing with you in the hating thing, I thought I hated you so much. And I hated you so much that I didn't even realize how I started to fall for you, again. This time, even more than before. And this time, I knew I could never have you. But just staring at you and being with you and seeing you was enough. Funny again. Yet true.

In the crescent moon night
Even if I close my eyes
You come to me blue
In the full moon night
Do you mind if I open my eyes
And hold you?

It was becoming a dream. But I couldn't get it out. But you knew love, that this isn't a new love. It was always this way and if it has a way, I will take it. Love has never come to me like it did that night. I look at you and see everything I want. You're beautiful, you're so good. They tell me, I'm so good, if we're both so good then let's be the best together. Everybody acknowledges it, you taught me to love myself. The answer is love. So don't give it up. I'm asking you the question, will you? Cause you are the one who said the answer is love.

Suddenly I wonder
If you're looking at me right now?
Won't you find out all my pain?
I'll be around you
I'll be there for you
I'll be your light
All for you

Everybody is watching me, but still I wonder if you are. You tell me you love me, tell the world or let me. Cause I want to be around you, it won't hurt anymore. No matter what happens and what it comes down to, I want to be with you and there for you. Cause all of it is all for you.

You who stand by me
In the dark night and in the dark day
When you are sad
When you are sick
Just shining on me
I will be by your side
More brightly in the dark night

Love love love. You shine so bright that you make me shine too. You're the only one who can do it, make all of it worth it, I will be the light in your dark night, my earth, you are my world. I cannot go away from my world. Are you gonna choose someone else? Am I going to remain just a moon to you? Or are you going to give me the chance to be the light in your dark?

Suddenly I wonder
If you're looking at me right now?
Won't you find out all my pain?
I'll be around you
I'll be there for you
I'll be your light
All for you

[The end of the movie] Yes. I made this for you because you really make me go to those heights for you and I do. Maybe I gladly do. Cause even if you and I don't have the happy ending in our life, I will give it to us here. My love, you are my earth. I am your moon. 

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