4. Beautiful (pt.1)

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

To fall asleep by chance became the cause of me now running around my closet to grab something to wear and to grab something to take. Well I had chosen what to take a while back, an over-sized silk white shirt, but what to wear was the real question. 

I knew things were moving quite fast for us, especially fast, faster than I have taken any of my relationships, but it had to, I don't know what Seokjin and I were doing, but if it starts to move forward, I will have to tell him, I didn't want to, maybe he'll stop seeing me, maybe we'll just, yeah, whatever happened would just go away, but it's just been a day and I'm starting to get addicted to this man. 

I quickly got dressed and put on a long coat over it matching the whole outfit, and while putting on my wrist watch, I climbed down thee stairs and locked my house, moving towards the car. Grinning on certain thoughts, I drove towards the place I had visited a few hours back, for a person who didn't have much time, I just had to utilize all I had and make the whole of it. Two months. One more thing I had in mind was that I had to get his number now that this is the second date already AND on the same very day. 

I parked outside Seokjin's house and walked out, to hand him the shirt I had got with me, well he asked for it. I rang the bell and it was soon opened by another man who was maybe a few centimetres shorter than Seokjin and was extremely surprised to see me there, his mouth fell open and eyes were wide as he just pointed at me and looked inside where I suppose Seokjin was standing. When Seokjin came out of the house and smiled at me, poor boy got even more overwhelmed but collected himself and bowed, as I bowed back, he shook my hand and just stared at his brother for answers. I just assumed it was his younger brother he had mentioned about. 

Well, after Seokjin came, it was difficult to pay attention on other places. He was in a black tank top and black jeans with his hair properly made and settled. He just softly smiled and after his brother left, I handed him the shirt, which he put on and returned with a bag and his phone, "Let's go?" He asked as I nodded, before closing the door, he told something to his brother and I could hear the 'i love you' before he left. I was the youngest in my family and had no siblings of my own, so maybe I wouldn't understand,  but it was sweet.

He looked breath-taking with the over-sized shirt and jeans. he always looked amazing but this outfit suited him so well, got me drooling. Ahem, anyways.

"Where are we going?" he asked after getting inside the car, I got inside too and started it, "Somewhere I hope you'll like." Well it was a special date and I planned it well, and it somehow didn't have an explanation as to why I was doing all  this, but Seokjin just makes me feel so, nice?? I don't know, he makes my heart feel at peace and warm, it's like he makes me feel that I'm no different, I am one of the people of the world, he doesn't make me feel like RM but as Kim Namjoon, a man, a normal boy who also has a means of livelihood like the others but also has a life and story of Kim Namjoon, and I wanted to do what the most I could in a few hours for this man who I wanted to give the absolute best.

I stopped near the beach and parked the car at the allotted places, before we both walked out. He seemed very much into the ideas of carrying a coat and hanging them by his arm, he stood up and closed the door of the car and closed his eyes as in feeling the air, the air softly caressed his face as his hair went slightly backwards with it, "Isn't the moon beautiful tonight?" I didn't quite catch on on what he said, but I stared at him, smiling, "Yeah..."

Then we walked along the beach towards the corner where there was this place who booked places and decorated it exclusively for dates, ceremonies, weddings etc, and there decorations included lanterns and candles with roses and something I quite caught a liking of, last time we came for celebrating after an award show, and I did add some special of what I found was Seokjin's taste and made them blue and pink, and now had crossed fingers so that he likes it. "Close your eyes." I said as he looked at me, I walked towards him and held his hand, "Close your eyes, I won't let you fall." He nodded and closed his eyes, as I assisted him to the place. 

"Open your eyes in one...two...and three!" I said as he slowly opened his mouth and instantly gasped covering his mouth with his palm, "No-" I smiled, "No no! Oh my God! You didn't!!" He said still in that position, the chandelier above the head also impressed me a lot, had to admit but his reaction made me soft as I just smiled, he turned towards me and gave the purest smile I had ever seen, "Can I do something...?" He asked as I nodded, "Don't stop smiling." I nodded again, "Okay..." he quickly pecked on my cheek as he held my hand, his eyes were glossing, "Namjoon...I'm- I don't have words, this is absolutely stunning, I love it so much- I-I- don't know what to say- this is so beautiful-" I kissed his fingers, "Nothing compared to you..." 

He blushed deeply but didn't hide his face, "I love this so much, thank you- no one has ever-" he stop mid sentenced and just thanked me again.

"I can't believe you haven't got better already." I said as we both sat down.

"Are you kidding me, this is so good, this is absolutely the best, I-"

"Stop thanking me, I wanted to do this, that's why I did it, for you but because I wanted to, so don't thank me, but I'm super glad you liked it." 

He smiled at me again, "You're too sweet."  

(date continues in next chapterrrrrrr)

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