IX. Lie [🌻]

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

I heard the door bell ring, quite doubtful of who could arrive at eleven p.m. at night, but anyways I opened the door instantly being greeted by an ear-to-ear smile, dimples in the cheek, tall figure. 


But how can it be him? It...it-s the mid ninth month, he has his tour of ten months...?

What the heck is he doing here anyways?

I stared at him with a thousands of questions when he handed me a bouquet of flowers, "Won't you let me in?" he said waiting for my reply patiently, I let him in as I closed the door, mind still filled with a number of questions. He opened his shoes and walked in my house, me following him.

"What are you...doing here...?" I asked putting the flowers in the vase, "Is that what you ask to someone you are seeing after nine months Jinnie?" He said leaning against the door of my room.

I was at disbelief, that was hiding the other emotions building up inside. I stared at him, my body feeling heavier as I looked at him in his eyes, walking up to him, cupping his face, how much have I missed him. I brushed off his hair and tugged it behind his ear, caressing his cheek as he smiled at me. Tears had collected in the corner of my eyes, blurring the images as he slowly wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into a soft hug. My hands went around his neck, holding him tightly, biting my lips.

"Do you have any snacks? Let's watch a movie?" he asked as he got in and opened his jacket, loosely hanging it over the handle of the chair. "Sure, what do you want to watch?" I said going into the kitchen and grabbing a packet of snack and two juice cans ad tossing it to him, "Just some light hearted romcom maybe?"

We both sat down on the couch, our knees touching as he played something I didn't quite pay attention to, being too busy staring at him, the black t shirt hung loosely on his well built body, he got buffer over the ten months, well nine as it seems so now, his hair was golden brown and was nicely settled over his forehead, one of his dimples were deeper than the other, he even got a piercing in his right ear, or is it a magnetic ring? He was wearing a number of rings and his veiny hands were on his thighs as he bit his lip looking at the TV  screen concentrating on what was happening. 

I wasn't satisfied with only the knees touching, and figuring he wouldn't notice with the way he had all his attention on the screen, I slowly moved further closer, our thighs touching now, and yeah he didn't notice. Considering it a win, I moved further closer, touching shoulders now, but then, I saw his lips break into a smirk as he looked at me from the corner of his eyes. 

I made a pout, "You came back after so many days and all you want to do is watch a movie." I said crossing my arms around my chest. He smiled as he turned towards me, "Aww, what do you want baby?" He cooed as I leaned back, resting my back on the couch and lifting up my legs on his lap, "You're cute,.." he said as he cuddled closer, pulling me up  on his lap with his arms around my waist as I wrapped my legs around his and my arms on his shoulder around his neck, touching our foreheads. 

He smiled at me, as I slowly closed my eyes, feeling his breath on me, I tilted my head wanting to feel his lips on mine as I leaned closer.


"Ouch-!" I shrieked as I felt something hard hitting my head, opening my eyes I found myself on the floor. Quickly I sat up looking around to find myself in my bedroom, the sheet hanging as the blanket fell with me down on the floor, I was in my pajamas and my my head hurt with the way it hit the ground when I fell from the bed.

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