41. 34+35

281 15 2

(Warning: Mature Language, smut)

Seokjin's point of view:

I parked the car at the local garden, for a 'me-time' after the long day a work. I plugged in my earphones and decided to just not think and take a walk in between the pathway created by the series of trees lines up in the sides and the leaves which decorated the way to walk on, there was a small bridge over the little late, in whole and whole it was very peaceful. Their was also benches, and you could get juice, drinks or small snacks in there too. People came here for little picnics and dates, children came to play too, evening walks and exercises, riding bikes were seen around too. 

I loved this place, but haven't been here for a while, to be honest, I wanted to bring Namjoon here, and the last I came, he was there, so every time I'd look at it, it would be all of him, and I didn't want to push myself off the edge. I sighed as I looked around, the smell was refreshing, the sun was about to set in a while, the sky looked beautiful. The wind blew softly moving the leaves of the tree with it. I sat down on the soft grass unbuttoning the first two buttons of my shirt and spreading my legs, I had this habit of moving them as I looked around smiling at nothing but everything around. 

There was this couple on the other side of the lake, holding hands. They looked young, around high school age, cute. They looked shy when they spotted me, but I gave them a smile of re assurance, which in turn led to them coming and sitting and talking with me for a while, before leaving, they asked me to click them a picture. It was sweet at the way they both blushed when I called them a cute couple. One of them was holding a flower, I smiled to myself at it. 

I decided to take another walk before returning home.

Hobi and I used to come here often, we used to bring something to play or just sat on the grass and talked, things used to be way different back then. I looked around at the benches, few lying empty, few with people, I sat down on one of those empty ones, one leg on another crossed. It had come to me as a big shock to what happened to Yoongi and Hobi. Hobi seemed serious in theur relationship, did I spend way too much time with myself that I didn't even get to talk to him about it? The way they fell out, and Hobi just cut himself off, they don't cross paths or even talk about each other, Hobi even went out, that's all I know. It was all dry. I pulled out my phone to look at the one text I had from him.


a month ago

i'm going out.

take care.

That's it. That was all of it. It hasn't been this way ever, I have never been away from Hobi like this for a whole month, he has always been around. Tae said he hasn't been replying to his texts either. Jimin is sick worried of Yoongi. Heart break changes people, it does, but Yoongi, he hasn't flinched in himself a bit, he is all that he was, just without those occasional 'isn't he so cute?' honey farming and love drools. I did see him fighting with a shop keeper for he charged him more on something, he was about to stab him with a plastic fork. 

Everything moved too slow in the beginning but too fast in the last few months, recently I have been getting busier and feeling a little more alive than before, ten months is a long time. 

I sighed and stood up, stretching my arms decided to go home. It has been more than two hours I have been in here. I brushed my clothes and walked out, putting my phone and earphones back in my pocket. The sky looked colorful with the sun set colors, I smiled at the gateman before I reached the parking lot, it was not well built, just a place people decided would be convenient to park at. 

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