80. teacup oops

244 12 4

(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:


"Joon calm down and keep trying I guess?" Yoongi said trying not to laugh, the younger had been like this right from the next day.

"I HAVE BEEN!! HE IS NOT TALKING TO ME!!!" Namjoon said in a small but loud voice.

"Joon it was your stupid idea to tell him it was a bad idea to be with you and now you have been crying that he is not talking to you, settle your mind boy, can't you stay without sex for a week?" Yoongi teased, though he knew it was not about it.

"Hyung! It's not it!! I-" He stopped, pouting. 

"What is it Joon?" 

"I miss him..." Namjoon said after a lot of hesitation. 

"Nice, enjoy, see you~" Yoongi laughed before hanging up, now grinning at the call recording of Namjoon confessing him missing the other, some times he really could be an Angel for the other twos love story, self credit is amazing. 

SUGA    @AgustD
watching two idiots is becoming painful for me at this point.

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j-hope    @Hope
babe on exposing spree

Park Jimin     @parkj
i've watched tae trying to ask me out for a month and diving it out stupidly, at least its not hobi hyung in your case

j-hope    @Hope
i am smart wbk 🤩

Jungkook    @JjKoo
shut up ive watched you hang out with yoongi hyung and say 'we're just friends' and 'one sided love' shit 

tae   @V
if im going down, jk is coming with me and he is taking the others with us. 

namjoon    @RM
fuck my life

Jungkook    @JjKoo
lmao mood

Namjoon had been twisting around with his phone, typing his number and going back again, typing a message and deleting again. 

He did because he knew it was for the best now he curses him every night for doing it, he misses Seokjin way too much that he could actually go to his house and go after him till he forgives him, but he knew he wouldn't be able to resist if he does. 

He did it for the best, yes, Seokjin would find someone better and fall in love with him and he would fall in love and get married and have a happy life, right, that's fine? Right?

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! He wanted to cry.

Okay, think it rationally Namjoon, think well. You love him? Yes. He loves you? Yes. But if you do anything with him and be with him, it is going to be a scandal and both of them being at the peak at the moment would cause a lot of harm. He didn't care about this, he never really did, but he cared about the other and his reputation. He knew he had already hurt him a lot and he could just not be a reason to such a huge loss of the other. 

He laid down, sighing. 

not joon 🔒
Don't wanna know 
look at him, he's so pretty wtf

not joon 🔒@joonfuckedupDon't wanna know look at him, he's so pretty wtf

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