16. Double Date

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

"Baby?" I asked kissing his forehead as we were cramped together in the couch watching Netflix, he actually paid attention to this random documentary I had found interesting and selected. "Mhm?" He said with his eyes till fixed on the television, "Baabbyyyy!" I said again but with a more effort to make him look at me, he turned and faced me, looking up as he was on my lap, "Tell meeee!" He said, "Let's go outtt!" I said as he sat up, "You're such a baby."

"What? How?" I said going after him as he went towards the bedroom. "Sometimes I do forget you're older, but okay anyways, let's goo! Where do you wanna go? Let's go to eat, you love to eat right? French or Mexican? Or Italian? Chinese? Indian? Or Korean itself- why are you giving me that look? Okay ramen?" He laughed as Ii blinked at him, "What?" He just shook his head, "Nothing nothing, let's go, just I'm wearing your clothes again." I smiled at his comment, "You know I love it when you do."

I was about to go select an outfit when my phone rang.

Min SUGA...calling...

"Ah! Yoongi Hyung! Hey!" 

"Ah Namjoon, I got something, kind of...err..."

"Tell me you got a boyfriend grandpa, and not that you fell in love with your sleep."

"What do you think of me, but yes I did."


Jin turned to look at me, initially surprised as I mouthed, "No no it's okay chill." as he nodded.

"Why will I?" He said laughing. 

"Okay, so ice tea spill my guy, spilll!" 

"That's what I called for Monie, so, meet me at the square point, six thirty, I've called him too!" It was rare to see him excited about something else other than music and very fucking rare to see in love. I looked at Jin, smiling.

"I have someone I would like you to meet too by the way."

"OH IS IT? Cool. Meet you there then."


"Bye bye."


Jin was sitting on the bed holding a blue sweatshirt while the other of the same kind was on the bed, he wasn't really the one to ask what was going on and everything but now he was meeting me up with his boyfriend, but I didn't have the heart to ask him about it. Just go for it Joon, you're rap monster, but he doesn't really care about that, and I love it, he likes me Kim Namjoon...should I go for it? Okay breath in. Breath out, in and out, okay go.

"Ah- J...Jin?" I said as he looked at me, "Yes?" 

"Okay so Yoongi, he's my producer, asked me to meet up today to introduce me to his boyfriend, so...so yeah I said, I will introduce, like, may I...introduce- that sounds so fucked up, like may I have your hand- that sounds like a marriage proposal what the fuck, no I mean- stop laughing!"

He laughed as he stood up cupping my face touching foreheads, "Ask properly Mr. Kim Namjoon."

I cleared my throat as I took his hand, "Seokjin, will you be my boyfriend?" That sounds so fucking cliche, you should have practiced you fucking dumbass.

His smile was the sweetest thing there, as he leaned down, slowly his soft lips touching mine, it was a short but passionate one, easily conveying the message, "Of course Namjoonie."


"Anyone who says romance is said hasn't definitely met Kim Namjoon." 

And that point even I didn't have something to say, but I felt my cheeks warming up.

I got into the matching sweatshirt he had.

"So Min Yoongi?" he asked while getting inside the car. "Square point? Show me a picture of him?" He asked as I pulled out my phone, going through my pictures, finding one with him. 

"This was during the last song of the upcoming album, won't give you spoilers but this ones really special to me

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"This was during the last song of the upcoming album, won't give you spoilers but this ones really special to me..." I said driving towards the square spot. 

"Uh-huh...he looks cute, yeah...black suits you well though? This dirty blonde too, your smile here looks rice- you guys look good..." I raised an eyebrow at him, "Yeah fine you look really good here okay." He said his ears turning red.  "You're cute."  I said leaning and pecking his lips. 

I  parked the car as we walked towards the restaurant, when he very swiftly slid his hands in mine, intertwining our fingers.

And in no time, Mr. Min and his boyfriend appeared, holding hands, smiling, I haven't seen  Yoongi smile like that in a long while. And there came the man himself who made him smile like that, well no doubt he did, the man had the heart shaped smile as he gave off hearts around. He instantly cheered up on seeing me as he smiled and took my hand, as he shook hands, "Ah Namjoon-ssi! Ahh Yoongs, you could have told me!" 

I smiled back at him as I put my hands around his shoulder, laughing, as I turned towards a very confused but trying to process it out Jin, "Yoongi hyung and yeah you too Hoseok, here you see this gorgeous man right here-' I said as I walked towards him holding his hand, "Meet Seokjin, my boyfriend, baby, meet Yoongi hyung, and yeah Hoseok of course." 

Jin smiled as he shook hands with Yoongi.

"Ah man really, that's amazing." Hoseok said as we walked in, "So it's a double date eh?" 

I nodded as we got into the restaurant. 

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