29. S p a c e s

235 17 1

(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

I was on a call talking about the bookings when I heard the front door open and close, almost a bang. "So do you think we can cover it up in three days?" The voice from the other side came as I checked the time, eight thirty p.m., pretty late, "Yeah I think those are fine, we'll discuss the rest later? I mean the most amount is cover, just send me the papers." "Yes sir. And also-"

I couldn't hear the rest of it as Jin entered the room with a angry face mouthing the words, 'cut the call' as I showed him two fingers, "Yes can you par-"

"Can you just listen for once?" I mouthed, 'give me two minutes' as I spoke on the phone, "Yes, I couldn't catch that, can you-" He grabbed the towel from the bed and threw it on my face with an even angrier face. I grabbed it as I gave a frowned look, "I will call you back a little later, excuse me." I said hanging up, "What is it-"

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS KEEP THE TOILET SEAT OPEN??" He yelled crossing his arms.

"I- I...am sorry??" I said keeping the phone away as he rolled his eyes, "You are always sorry but then you never listen to me, I have asked you million times to NOT keep the wet towel on the bed there it is, you always do that and then don't even listen to me." he said pointing at the towel which I kept on the chair next to the bed. I opened my mouth to say something back but he cut me off again, "You even kept the half eaten food on the table and didn't even cover it." Why did I forget to do everything today?

"I am sorry- I will do it ri-"

"I've done it already. Go back to your call or whatever and if you want to have dinner then if you have time for your boyfriend after all those calls then come to the table." He said sarcastically after storming out of the room. Shit.

I was about to go after him when my phone rang, Manager ugh, "Hey good evening." And there he kept talking for more than forty five minutes and I could almost hear Jin throwing the dishes to the stand, fuck he must be so mad, "Okay...yes...thank you...goodnight to you too-" I said hanging up as I went out to see the food properly laid as he was sitting and watching something. I grabbed the dish and went to sit next to him, trying to initiate a conversation when the show started, "The food tasted amazing." No reply, "You look pretty." No reply again, "Commonnn~ give me a reply!" I said as I tried to put an arm around him, he snapped it off and moved away, "Make a few more calls when I fall asleep, why do you need to talk to me?"

I kept the half eaten food on the table in front of the table, a little annoyed now, "What is the matter? Why are you so pissed?" 

"Nothing's the matter with me."

"Why are you overreacting then?"

"I am overreacting? I come in after a long day of school and who's the one who keeps talking on the phone? Who is the one who stays busy all day and can't even have a dinner together but still I AM the one who is overreacting." He said switching off the T.V. standing up.

"It's not my fault it's my work."

"And what am I? It is your fault that I am your boyfriend."

I was taken aback by his sudden outburst, "See we can-"


"Can you stop bringing up small issues out of nowhere?"

"Everything is a small issue to you? You never listen to me, your mind keeps going away in different places and you pretend to listen, you think I don't know?"

"Hey that's hella wrong, I ALWAYS listen to what you say?"

"Oh right? What did I say about Hobi and Yoongi's two months then, I told you the entire plan." He said crossing his arms in front of him.

Fucking hell- I didn't hear that, when did he say that, "You...said...err...a party and...uhmm-" I stuttered as he rolled his eyes, "See?" He said walking away towards the bedroom as I followed, "See I can't remember one thing, I remember everything else-"

"Fine great." He said before banging close the door in front of me, almost hitting my nose, "HEYYY OPEN UP!!!" I said banging on it. After calling out a few more times, I sat down, "Just open up, I didn't even do anything and you started scre-" before I could complete, he opened the door, I was leaning against as I almost fell, he pushed me by my chest, his eyes were teary and red, "It's never your fault right?"

"What are you talking about-"

He kept moving forward as I kept going back, "It's not fault, nothing is."

"What are you-"

"You are leaving in what five weeks, and now you keep talking to your manager and bookings and everything all the time, I come back from school but still that stays more important to you, you stay indulged in your work all the time, you don't even pay attention to me, you don't listen to what I say, you just don't care, do you even care- don't lie to me." He said it in one breath, before turning around and banging the door again. I just stayed there, blinking, trying to process of everything before sighing out. 

I was tired for the whole day's works and everything. I just went and layed down on the couch, looking up at the ceiling for a long while, thinking about everything and sighing out, waiting for the door to open. Ugh. i had my earphones plugged in when randomly the song plated. I didn't know when my eyelids were too heavy to hold open and I fell asleep on the couch.

"Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight?
Who's gonna be the first one to fall asleep at night?
Who's gonna be the last one to drive away?
Who's gonna be the last one to forget this place?"

(Spaces -one direction)

Around way later, I felt warm, it was cold outside and as much as I remembered, there was no blanket, I felt something soft against my chest. My face on soft skin as I opened my eyes to see Jin under me, his back against my chest, my arms around his face, he cuddled closer, smiling as he turned to face, a blanket around us, "You cool now?" I asked pecking his lip, "Yeahhhh..." he said sleepily, giving a peck back as I pressed my lips on his forehead and then buried my face on the crook of his neck, it was around two in the morning when we fell asleep on the couch.

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