I. Half a heart

241 18 4

(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

Though I try to get you out of my head

"Tae, don't be late to college, wake up now." I said knocking on the door, sighing out I entered his room, boy always kept his room unlocked, "Tae wake up- What the-!" my eyes widened seeing Jimin poking his head up from beside him, smiling at me as Tae slept hugging him. I rested my face, whispering softly, "Wake up and get breakfast now common." He nodded with his smiley face kissing Tae to wake him up, Tae holding him tighter as I chuckled trying to get out. he closed the door behind me, resting against the door, sighing. 


"Namjooniee~ I'll be laaaate, let go of meee~" I struggled in his arms as Istruggled to get out while he aggressively cuddled me, giggling as I kept trying to move.


I moved into the kitchen, making Tae's favorite pancakes for breakfast, softly humming to myself while cooking as I did, my back felt empty, the kitchen felt empty, was it always this quiet without him? Shoo shoo no thoughts, no you need to get to work, get the work done fast, no thinking. Tae and Jimin entered the kitchen laughing as I served them the pancakes, "Ah you haven't made these kinds in a long while!" Tae exclaimed happily, "Aren't these your favorite?" i asked sitting down to eat with them, "No my favorite is banana pancakes hyung! But I love these too!" He said as they started to eat. Right, his favorite is banana. His favorite used to be these. No thinking no get it out Jin. "Hyung- hyubng?" I snapped back to reality to Jimin's voice, "Yeah yeah yes?" He pointed at my plate, "Aren't you gonna eat? It's really good." I smiled, "Thank you, and yes I'm eating..." 

The truth is I got lost without you

I locked the door behind me as the other two left for school, putting the key in my pocket I got into my car, haven't drove in a while. I put my bad and everything on the empty side seat as I played some music as I went towards school. 

Sometimes the busy road and the noises around really filled out the surroundings, the music played loudly as I parked outside my school, wait why wasn't anyone there yet? I frowned as my phone rang up.


"Hello? Morning Hobi!" He sounded worried, "Jin Hyung are you okay, did you forget?" I frowned, "What-? Oh- OH! RIGHT!" Fuck. I had plans with Hobi today, I don't have school on weekends. The heck, "No no I'll be there in a while, I was...err...just dropped by school...to grab some stuff..." he sighed, "Okay, drive safe." 

How did I forget doidhoafh.

And since then I've been waking up to

"I can't believe YOU went to school on a weekend, like honestly, are you okay?" Hobi asked handing me the bunch of books. We were re-decorating his home, and I volunteered to help cause I liked to do those, "I mean I'm getting older you know, Tae had college so miscalculations." I said putting them down, "Yeah, you've started the miscalculations a lot these days." He said sarcastically which I pretended to ignore. 

"Do you want coffee?" he asked, "Sure." 

"You know I think you should change the curtains, I found these really nice grey ones I got for myself, and they had these pastel orangish-yellow, will go well with the texture of your walls. Especially the designs you got." 

He frowned at me, "What?" I asked as he sat down on the couch, "I never knew you had a thing for grey? You always went for blue's and pink's and bright shades." I gulped, I did? "Yeah, just exploring different spectrums." 

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