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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view: (hehe enjoy 👀🤩)

"Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi shit shit I have these fucked up flashbacks from last night and I think I have a weird as fuck that my- my parents called and- and- I freaked out and lost control and got drunk and-" Seokjin was panicking pacing around the room, sweating as he had dialed up Yoongi and started speaking immediately without giving the other any chance to speak, fast enough in one breath.

"Hyung hyung hold up listen to me-" Yoongi tried to speak but was immediately cut by the older yet again.

"No no I- what happened, fuck did I yell at Namjoon- and did- DID I FUCKING TELL HIM SHIT SHIT TELL ME ITS A DREAM YOONGI FUCK FUCK- Yoongi...Yoongi it's a dream r-right?!" he said now letting his body fall on the bed as he stared upside staring up at the ceiling.


"I fucking fucked up again, can I just commit like, should I just what disappear in this air, this is so embarrassing, what should I tell him, I talked shit when I was drunk, I yelled at him without any reason? How does he even tolerate me like I wouldn't endure myself, this is so perfectly messed up by me, this was your party I am SO SO SO SORRY Yoongi I messed up your party I'm-"

"HYUNG HUSH." Yoongi raised his voice to calm the other down and make him shut up for a while. "It's okay, calm down hyung-"

"How can I?! I FUCKING-"

"He doesn't remember shit, he was drunk, we all were, the others don't remember much either, Hobi didn't drink so he does, Tae only remembers you crying and hugging you and I remember it all. It's okay...Namjoon just remembers you being mad at him..." 

Seokjin let out a deep breath, "Don't even know what to say, thanks Yoongi...you save my ass every time..." He said relaxing.

"Hyung it's okay but what happened...? Why did you?"

"I will explain later, I really really need to apologize to Namjoon...where is he now? Did he go back home?" he said sitting up.

"Yeah, he did, Hobi went to him a while back to check up as his phone was dead...alright...see you..."

"See you yeah...thanks." Seokjin said hanging up and laying back down once again letting out a deep sigh before hiding his face and mumbling out a series of 'fuck fuck fuck fuck' squeezing a pillow. 

He jumped up quickly dressing up, he did not want to do this on a call or texting, he should not have had yelled at him and thank God that he was drunk otherwise it was a whole mess for him, he should remember not to get drunk in front of him, he couldn't even imagine lashing out like that. His parents really messed up with his head, which reminds him to talk to Tae, fuck. 

Namjoon fell asleep later around five in the morning and woke up with his head heavy with a head ache. He had taken a long cold shower and gotten into clean clothes when Hobi had arrived, well arrived was too much of a peaceful word to describe his arrival as he had literal attacked his doorbell ringing the bell continuously and started banging on the door as well within five seconds. 

He hurriedly opened the door, concerned, "What is it Hobi-?" He said as the other pushed his way in.

"Why the fuck where you  not answering your phone, why is your phone dead, what were you doing, where-" Hobi moved his hands jumping around, he always did to calm himself down.

"I was sleeping! My phone was at 0% must have died, why are you so jumpy jumpy suddenly what would I do?" A very confused Namjoon looked around.

"I don't know man you youngsters these days-" Hobi said wiping his face as he sat down on the couch. 

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