23. Often

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

It was after Namjoon left, he could have stayed over, but I needed some time alone for a while. I told him I had some school work to get done and I couldn't figure out it was disappointment or his usual understanding expression on his face. 

I figured out everything he had said, and- and it scared me, each of his words now started to scare me, I was sitting with my knees close to my chest beside my window on my bed with my door closed, I'm glad Jimin had come over so Tae was occupied. 

All I could think of was seven weeks, that's it, then I will be all alone again. It made angry, a bit, but it was my choice anyways so I couldn't who to be mad at. I could continue the relationship even after he went to his tour, of course we could, we could try, but I couldn't risk what I had with him. I trust him, but we can't trust a human mind. He will be around the fucking world, and I am just a normal guy from Korea. He will find thousands of Seokjin and so many people so much better than Seokjin around. And it might either be that he gets bored of me, finds someone better, or even better, he gets stuck with a guilt of something, and I will be stuck with the thought what I did wrong and why was I not enough. And I can't pull myself out of it.

I cuddled closer, holding myself, I didn't what made me more scared, him leaving, or myself. 

I always wanted a family, and one  point, when I looked at him, I thought I could get it, maybe at point, but now, maybe I'm just not made for the family thingie. I was hurting, but there was still something to look forward to, the seven weeks, and I can't let the fucked up thought ruin these days. I will give him all of and make up for all the times. 

The thudding on the door broke me out of the thoughts, "Jin hyung!! Did you fall asleeeeep?" Jimin asked from outside as I opened the door, "No Jimin, I was cleaning, what's up?" 

"We were wondering if you'd like to go to the movies with us, with your, you know, your boyfriend?" He asked with big round puppy eyes, "I also called my brother!" Right, his brother, Yoongi. "He'll come with his man, it'll be so cool, pleeeeease?" I don't know how he does these big pleasing eyes but they are very convincing, "Fine, fine, I'll call him up."

He cheered up instantly and pecked Tae's lips. Ah they are the 'famous college couples'. 


"Ah, Jinnie, hey!" he said almost picking up instantly, "Very eager you were for a call, weren't you?' I asked smirking, "I always am when it comes to you." this fucking sexy bastard, "You better be. Anyways, movies with Tae, is boyfriend, Yoongi and his boyfriend, and me and my boyfriend at seven, I need my boyfriend there." I could hear a soft laugh, "Ah your boyfriend's gonna be there for sure." 

"Jiminie, he'll be there." I said getting out of my room.

"Oh yayy! Okay I have booked the seats for us! I am so excited, it's been days we went to the movies and this one's reaaallly nice!" I loved his cheery jolly attitude, Hobi and Jimin vibed well because of this. "Also, Tae will meet my brother-" Tae's shocked words cut him off.

"Crackly crack tickity tack, you didn't tell me that-" he said turning around from his cereals with wide open eyes, "What?"

"Your brother, is meeting your boyfriend?!?! I need to dress up, there's a thing called impressing family?! AAAISH!!" He said running out to his room pulling Jimin and me with him, "Okay, hyung, suppose Jimin is your brother and you're meeting his boyfriend aka me for the first time, what would you like me to wear? Tell me what should I doooo?"

Jimin was hiding his face of all the smiling, he made him laugh effortlessly, and this made him so flustered. 

"Okay so, get dressed, maybe get a tuxedo, settle your hair, maybe take another shower, put on your finest behavior, talk professionally, walk professionally, be at your best, wear your finest watch and be a  gentleman." I said as Tae's eyes got wider. 

I laughed out, "You don't have to do any of it, just be yourself and that's it, it's the love that counts Tae, be who you are, that's it." I said patting his head.

"C'mon now get dressed, hyung will get dressed too-" I said as I went to my room.

Seven weeks, whole of it.

I pulled out my black shirt and jeans, putting it on, I settled and styled my hair, carefully curling the bangs and little bit and putting all of it. I kept the first few buttons open cause why not? You don't know what wild is yet.

 I kept the first few buttons open cause why not? You don't know what wild is yet

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Have fun, Kim Nam fucking Joon.

I walked out and wore my shoes, only to smirk when I saw the other twos reaction, all they did was stare, Jimin whispered something in Tae's ears when Tae's mouth went 'I KNOW RIGHT', boys these days.

I pulled out my car as we drove to the theatre, and I saw his car parked as I parked mine, punctuality is sexy.

We took the elevator and there e was, resting against a counter. He spotted me right away as I raised my eyebrow at him, walking towards him, the way he smiled, I know he's seen it. I walked up straight up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and placing a small but deep kiss on his lips, and neither did his hands take a seconds delay to wrap them around my waist. 

All he had to wear was a white shirt, and I was down. 

"She asked me if I do this every day, I said often
Asked how many times she rode the wave, not so often
Bitches down to do it either way, often
Baby I can make that pussy rain, often
Often, often, girl I do this often
Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it
Often, often, girl I do this often
Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it

(Often- The Weeknd)

And I had no fucking idea what the movie was all about.

We sat down, as I had one of my legs crossed over the other, holding the coke with one hand, and as the lights went out, the other on Joonie's thighs. 

If I like it, then that's what I get.

(Let's get itttt, take care and stay safe -sydREnzo)

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