5. Beautiful (pt.2- put your hand in mine)

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

This was crazy and I honestly didn't know if I deserve all of it, life had suddenly become too eventful for me, and it honestly scared me, but if Namjoon took to me a small shop to get ramen, I wouldn't have minded at all, because somehow the guy I just got to know yesterday makes me feel like to spend more and more time with him.

There was music being played on the outside when this song started to play...

"Put your hand in mine
You know that I want to be with you all the time
You know that I won't stop until I make you mine
You know that I won't stop until I make you mine
Until I make you mine"

(Song Make you mine- PUBLIC)

I looked at them, it was such a sweet voice and such a sweet voice as I turned to look back at Namjoon who was already looking at me, and suddenly feeling the warmth, I realized he placed his hand in mine, as he softly inter tangled our fingers. I new my eyes were wet by now, it was just too good to be true. He noticed the tear which had gathered at the corner and moved his head as in asking what's wrong when I just moved my head. 

"What happened baby?" Him saying baby, it was- I hated it when someone else called me baby but him- I liked it. "Tell me what's wrong...?" He asked again wiping off the tear.

"N-nothing...just that- no-no one has ever done it for me before, and it was, just, just a dream, and you- you make it...come true without even me asking." I said looking up at him, my eyes were slightly swollen, because there was too much happening and too much good stuff which scared me, honestly, he just rubbed his fingers on mine, comforting me, "Because you came in the form of everything I wished of, I have to. Just don't cry...your tears are too precious to be lost like this."

I wiped them off and looked at him, they won't stop...

He ordered for us both, and they even served the food with different decorations and extras than asked for, like there were cherries, strawberries and some chocolates, even different berries. And the end, after dessert, he stood up and forwarded his hand as I looked up when he pointed towards the music and the free space, "Prince Seokjin, would you dance with me?" he said with a dramatic bow. I chuckled as I took his hand, "That would be an honor, Prince Namjoon." and we got up.

He placed his hand on my waist as I put mine on his shoulder, and he held the other hand in a certain way, and we moved on the tune of the music playing, softly and slowly. My head rested on his shoulder as it was kind of a hug, it was so calming and peaceful, it was enough to make me forget about everything I had been worrying about, and calm me down, like I was at a safe place, after my ex, and after I just denied to trust anyone, he gained my trust real quick, and I felt like he would not hurt me.

We walked to the car again, it was on a raised platform and from the place we were, we looked like silhouettes at this point with the sky so lighted up. We were leaned against the car, we were holding hands without knowing, and it felt like I could drown in that moment. 

We stood up around midnight after the long date night to go home. We were still holding hands, and now, we were looking at each other, slowly touching foreheads.

Slowly I tilted my head, my hands travelling up to his face, I could feel his heart beat being that close to him. With one of my hands, I held his jaw while the other rested on his chest, our noses touching now, and I could feel his hand softly grab hold of my waist as he pulled me closer. It was going slow, for moment I didn't feel stuck in time. It went slow as I felt his soft lips, they felt just like they looked, on mine. Cold, but soft. And then, slowly, he kissed me. My hands pulled him by his coat, closer than we already were as my eyes were tightly closed. I had these feelings inside my stomach, I hadn't had these ever, but I always wanted something just like this. 

His kiss was so tender and caring itself by the touch, he tasted of wine, but that wasn't even the part of why I was so into this. I didn't want to let go, it happened so fast but it happened so slow. We finally broke the kiss when we were out of breath, and just looked into each other's eyes, he smiled, and his dimples, at this point his dimples just seemed like an excuse, but the whole of him drove me crazy and calmed me down at the same time.

"The moon is overwhelmingly beautiful, not just tonight. He needs to realize this." He said pecking my lip.


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