3. Smooth

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

"I can't believe you haven't tasted these? Your expensive hotels serve these but with a greater price...huh" I said as we sat back in the car, he had been appreciating the food for a long while, "Well it's not my fault I can't just move around-"...without being caught by numerous people and having it up on media. He mumbled something I couldn't well figure. 

"So where are you off to now?" I asked seeing he wasn't continuing his words. He started the car as we were back to the road again, "Not like I have a place to go to. What about you?" I frowned, "You don't have plans now?" He nodded a no, "Alright, neither do I...You can come...over and...we can just talk?" Wow great job Seokjin, bringing a guy over just by two meetings. "You sure about that?" He asked like the gentleman he was being throughout, "As sure as you didn't think twice before asking a guy you just met last night on date by appearing in front of his work place." I mentioned as he smiled and I could well imagine his dimples from the mask.

I told him the directions till we reached my house, as he parked his car, "That's...that's really nice..." he said with a different kind of tone of voice other than just a compliment, "It gives homely feeling, are your parents home?" He asked me looking at me, I looked down and moved my head, "No it's just me and brother." He didn't ask further and just replied with a small okay, "Okay, otherwise I would have put up my finest behavior you know?" I smiled at him in a 'sure' way. I unlocked the door as he opened his shoes and kept it aside. "Wow- your house is really well maintained-" he said looking around in awe, "It's nothing, I bet yours is a way better one-"

He just nodded, "it's nice, but not as warm as yours." 

"Let me make a cup of coffee, and that one is my room, make yourself home." I smiled as I quickly washed my hands and returned with two hot cups of coffee, he was sitting by the window, looking by the window, grinning to himself, what goes on in that sexy brain? 

"Here..." I said handing him the coffee as he took it with his dimples on show now, I had this strong indescribably urge to kiss on them, but I made my way to the bed and sat down, I had gotten rid of my school clothes and had changed into a comfortable pair of sweatshirt and pajamas, "So...?" I asked while taking a sip of my coffee, "Yes?"

"Um...random questions, let's get to know each other?"  I asked not looking, kind of embarrassed. "Sure, you go first." The reply came casually from the other side.

"Mhm, okay, what is your favorite color?" I asked without much thinking. 

"Ah, i do really like the color blue, you know it kind of calms me down and makes me feel a t peace, it's a color of several meanings, and I like the different shades and how it portrays different story with each shade, like the bright blue makes you happy but the dark navy blue makes you a mysterious person, and the light pastel blue is kind of lonely. What about you?" Did he really make a question like 'what's your favorite color?' that philosophical?

I replied casually, "I like pink, I don;t have much of an explanation for it but I really do like it."

"You don't really have reason for liking something all the time..."

"I suppose, your turn." I said taking another sip while he had already finished his. "Okay...hmm...what is your favorite line or quote at the moment?" He asked as if he had these questions ready. 

"I don't- I don't really have one or remember one at the moment, but there was this line which I had read somewhere and it really strike me, it said 'You are my earth, I am just a moon' and 'Everyone says I'm beautiful but my sea is pitch black.' and they both just kind of inter-tangle themselves in my brain, the first one seems like a one sided love..." The second one is just me.

"Your sea will be filled with different shades of blue." He said like it was a promise. Random but seemed like it, it was scary but I would like to have a promise like it. "Anyways, my turn." I said, "What's your hobby?"

"I like to read and write songs, for one I did try to cook but didn't work out well for me according to the new stove and pan I had to get." He said as if it was truly an incident which left him heartbroken as I laughed out, "I'm sorry- I don't mean to laugh but-okay-" I said in between as I covered my mouth and continued laughing.

"Laugh all you want, I'll continue, do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?"  He said abruptly as I wasn't expecting it at all, "What- no, I didn't think you'd- what kind of kiddish question is it, of course I don't, we went on a date earlier??" I frowned, he replied, "No was just confirming."

"Confirming what?"

"My chances."

I gasped covering my mouth with my palm, "Smooth."

"Didn't you expect it?" He said smirking.

"Well for the performance you've been showing since the time you showed up, I'd say yes but you come up with them at the most unpredictable times so no." I said with slight pink cheeks. 

"Ah, my chances are high I see."

"Don't overestimate yourself." I giggled, "Okay my turn. Are you free at seven today?"

He widened his eyes as he looked at me, slightly shocked, but still smirking, he licked his bottom lip before answering, "I'm free for whole two months."

"Great, my turn again, what should I wear?"

"Um...anything looks hot on you. But if you're asking me, then you should really try on my clothes."

"Ah, get me."

"I will. Seven, I'll pick you up?"

"I'll be waiting."

(hehehehe I don't always know what im doing but i like it so yeah hope you are enjoying!! stay safe and take care! -sydREnzo)

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