E p i l o g u e [J K]

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Jeon Jungkook, one of the most successful models had now shifted to series. 

He did not plan on shifting to series, but when he did get the chance, he did not want to leave the chance of trying out something new. Cause whatever happened, he always wanted to try out new stuff, continuously. Monotonous livelihood bored him.

What he wanted to also do, was not what had already been there, so when he was offered different shows, he did choose the one which seemed the most challenging to him. 

And it was not only challenging but also fun to do. The plot was challenging, the genre was fun to do. 

He never thought he would be the 'Romance' series kind of guy, but the aesthetic of the story, and the palette along with the vibe had interested him, probably got him hooked. 

And he had the wholehearted support of his hyungs, Hobi was the first one to appear with chocolates when he heard the news, soon followed by Tae, with pizza. 

Jimin had been proper in his ways to get him congratulated him with banners and everything he thought would be nice for a big-small party on the success on his first show. 

Seokjin had helped him a l o t on the acting parts, he would sit with him, through out the nights, and helped him rehearse his lines. Namjoon and Yoongi had given the support and encouragement he needed, always. 

All of them celebrated the success in their own ways, and then together. 

jungkook jeon    @___jk
im excited! <3

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