49. Singularity pt.1

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

Dropping Kook off to his place, I was back to mine. Laying on my back, was going through the messages of my managers which I had missed all this while, the shooting was about to start in a day and it was honestly uncomfortable awkward thinking of spending the whole hours on the set with him, it would probably be no talks and quiet shooting and leave, more awkward. 

And what about the title? 'Singularity RM ft. Jin' right on the YouTube video, lifetime endurance. 

I sighed and crawled up on the bed, wishing goodnight to my plants, I went under the sheets, and stared out of the window till I fell asleep, one day I will stop staring out of the window when a face will stare back at me and scare the hell out of me only for me to realize that would be my own reflection with face mask on, would happen. 

Woke up without snoozing the alarm, the terror of the whole day was enough to keep me up all night, somehow I slept instead. But I had to reach before him cause, well it's a competition. I quickly got dressed and left, reaching around fifteen minutes earlier than the scheduled time. "Wow! Good Morning, Namjoon-ssi, both of you are really punctual, even Seokjin-ssi arrived just five minutes ago!" URGH MENTAL KEYSMASH FOIOSVONONSNCO.

The make up artists were on their work, and it had been around forty five solid minutes were the maximum we have looked at each other was through the mirror, and didn't utter a word. Could get a nice brief idea on what the shooting would go as. 

Hobs, Kooks, Mons

okay out of topic, not talking through out the hours of shooting is completely normal right


not really, when i am working with someone i havent worked before, we usually talk a bit before the shooting starts which makes it easier to work together, its kind of difficult if y'all are going to ignore each other through out and probably wont go along. 

in conclusion, no.
y'all WERE talking at mine last day, not that difficult joon.

side thought, i never asked. 


is it that difficult?


all the best i guess??

he'd need a lot of those

I sighed as I kept the phone aside. 

The first three hours were mine and his in different panels, I did see him standing while mine was going on, copying a few of the steps on the way and enthusiastically dancing along. While his time, I was aside too, his acting was rather fine, he'd do the stuff at one take, it was realistic enough to actually scare me at one part. The concept was something I had never tried before, we had keep changing sets. His parts were rather tiring with the shifting and variations. He sat down at the small break, looking around for a water bottle, rubbing his face with a towel. Does he always sit like that with his legs crossed? He's still all graceful and dedicated to his job. 

Hobs, Kooks, Mons

actually it's going well, we covered half of it for today

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