48. Unplanned

224 16 11

(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

"Ah hyung you have to manage it, I haven't met Hobi hyung in like days!" Tae complained from across the phone, "Okay Tae, let me see, okay?" I said hanging up and letting myself fall on the bed, my calve muscles ached from the distance he had to walk today just for the viewing of the set and the man didn't arrive himself, at least I would have a good feeling watching him walk up all the way too. 

I phone rang again, "HYUNG YOU HAVE TO COME, I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE TO LEAVE FOR ITALY RIGHT NOW, I WANT TO SEE YOU IN MY HOUSE BY SEVEN, NO QUESTIONS ASKED OR I WILL PERSONALLY COME MYSELF TO KIDNAP YOU." Hobi yelled in one breath, fast enough for me to have to figure out each word with a lot of thinking, rapper traits. "Fine fine now Hobi, I'll be there." 

"One more thing hyung..." he said in a requesting tone, "Mhm I'll bring Yoongi." I said giggling to his happy but surprised reaction, "I LOVE YOU TONS!!" Should I ask if he is going to be there or not...? No that will sound like I'm interested or some shit. Should I be subtle and blunt about it...? I think letting it go would be better but if he turns up...just smile and endure Seokjin, ignore and endure. 

I called up Yoongi after Hobi hung up, have to be ready for some high school lovers stuff tonight, "Yoongi, you will like the news." I said to his sleepy tone, "It better be worth waking me up hyung from my after forty eight hours sleep." 


"I WAS SLEEPING?! You woke me up, what is it?"

"Okay you would jump up right now, we're going to Hobi's house, he personally asked me to ask you to come and all you know~" I said teasing.

"I am up, I'm taking a shower, I'll be at your house by- when's the time?"

"Woah woah calm there tiger, seven, be at mine by six, we'll get wine and flowers, well you will get flowers and I will get the wine."

"Oh, okay I'm getting ready, what should I wear, facetime me!!?" He said instantly switching, bitch wasn't even wearing a shirt and was very much gay panicking. He started moving the camera throughout his closet, dropping it once with his shaky hands.

"I know what you own Yoongi, wear the white one..." I said not even looking.

"Sure hyung?"

"Yoongi every time you go out, if not forced by your designer, you come looking homeless and there's no question asked, there's this one black t shirt I've seen you wear for the last six times we have gone out together and now when I am saying that the white is the good one, and clearly you don't even have an idea of what you own, and I can see your black t shirt hanging which is why you grab it every time, don't ask questions and just get into it." 

He paused for a while, before making a pout, "...Fine jeez. I'll see you at six then?" 

"Yep. Settle your hair. Not that Hobi has-"


He hang up as I softly laughed at the flustered Yoongi. I love it how Yoongi was all cold and sarcastic with others but for Hobi he was all soft and warm. Well he was with us too when he wanted to be but Hobi made him all giggly and it was cute. 

Yoongi arrived right at six, parking outside. He was so lazy he wouldn't even get outside and sat inside the car, honking the horn. "Ah look at you all pretty~" I teased getting in, "Look at you going into enemy's territory." I raised my eyebrow, "Ene- HE IS COMING?!" 

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