75. g i f t s

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view: (yes finally!)

Kim Seokjin    @KSJin
it's a gift <3

Kim Seokjin    @KSJinit's a gift <3

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from whom bestie? 🤩

wow! is it for your Cinema Awards win??? 😍

expensive Chanel. excuse me sir who the fuck gifted you that? 🤩 


hmm...seems sus to me, who is it baby, c'mon don't be shy, tell us 🤩


someone sometime drop by my house and give me gifts too T-T

"Wow, so you did like it." Namjoon said closing the door behind him showing me my own post. 

"Haha, stalker." I said serving a plate of freshly baked cookies.

"Firstly, no I got the notification, secondly, it's my gift." He winked trying to pick one up as I slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch it, let me take a picture!" I said taking out my phone before it struck me, "Hold up- how did you get the notification of me posting?" I asked teasingly before smiling, "You have my notification on!" I said as he hid his face, smiling, "Stalker." I said to him pulling me up by my waist towards himself and turning me round to face him.

"Am I now?" He said pecking my cheek.

"Bitch let me go, I need to take a picture." I said as I got out of his hold. 

"At this point if Tae got to know, he'd be fucking mad to how you cook for me WAY more than you do for them." I said as he moved around taking another picture from different angle.

"That's why we don't tell them. But, we can shift to our houses now that they all know?" 

Namjoon stopped and sat down, "Seokjin, the media."


It's been long now with whatever the fuck we had going on. Almost ten months. And mid way to our completely amazing and all cool and settle drinks and sex, my heart decided to be like, yeah this is the dumbass I want yet again. And I could try to move on and not make this a big deal, BUT he, it's so fucking difficult to spend so much time with him and NOT fall in love.

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