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319 16 4

(Warning: Mature Content, smut)

Seokjin's point of view:

We stood at his balcony, drinking, I could feel his breath on my lips cause who wanted to not be close when you're about to be far apart soon.

"You have cuffs right?" I asked looking around, the buttons of my shirt where open.

"No I don't th-"

"Where is it?" I asked putting down the glass.

He smirked, "I'll get it on the bed."

His work on my skin, neck, collarbones and chest were pinkish, and red.

He put the handcuffs on the pillows as he walked towards me, I pulled the curtains and turned around to be locked, his smile on my lips, how much I may get it, it'll never be enough. 

He could easily carry me to the bed, and as he got on me, our foreheads touching, he kissed my swollen lips, then down to my neck and my jaw, placing soft kisses and hard bites, I would tremble in his arms as he pinned me down, kissing on my neck, and while he was so lost in the pleasure of pleasuring me, I smirk against his skin and did the thing, I did a flipped.

I knew he was stronger than me, so I quickly grabbed the handcuffs, as he was busy contemplating what just happened, I got on top of him and pulled his hands upwards, handcuffing them with the bed. And when he had processed everything, it was too late.

He looed up at me, "What-what...are you doing?" I kissed his cheek, "Aw, don't act like you don't know-" I leaned closer whispering in his ears, "Daddy~"

I could feel him shiver, his skin cold as I pulled open his shirt, ripping some of the button, placing soft kisses on his bare torso and well built body, just for me, for a while. His cold skin formed a lovely combination with my warm lips, feeling perfectly fine as I admire the beautiful masterpiece. I rubbed against his dick, waiting for him, he struggled under me, but only to be pulled back by the cuffs, "I'll treat you well~" I chuckled, kissing his neck, close to his face. He was biting his lips.

I looked around for a bandana, and spotting something on the table near, I pulled it, "No no- you're not doing th-" I bit on his lower lip, "You don't do the speaking anymore Joonie~" I kissed on them softly before pulling his head up to put a stretch on the arms and tied the bandana around his eyes. A blindfold would have worked well but there's not much time there, is it?

I sat on his lap, his denim still on, my ass on his dick, now getting hard. A hoarse groan left his lips which he hid quickly by biting his lips, his hair suited perfectly well with his beautiful face with the bandana on. I brushed my lips on his neck, and selected a spot to mark on, this is going to be fun, I'll make it fun. I licked on it before sucking, and  placing a hard bite to drawl blood, making him let out a louder groan in his deep, low pitched voice. "Aw, did it hurt?" I cooed, he remained silent, now breathing fast.

I smirked as I bent down, kissing on his chest, and down the way now above the margin of his denim as I pulled them down, but that's it. I sat back down on his hard dick, "Fuck-" his voice came out loud, "Urgh~ Jinnie~" I grinned as grinded against him, slowly, his moans coming out now, "Urgh- fuck~ Aah~ Jin~nie~" 

"Does it feel good?" 

His dick was throbbing hard when I pulled down his black boxers. Gulping I put myself to position, he was biting his lip, knowing where I was, I pulled down my jeans and then slowly put my hole and then put his large cock in me, screaming out I tried to adjust to his size, he groaned out loudly, holding onto his ties tightly as I put him in me. Slowly I started moving, "Uh- You're- you're so tight~" He said as I bent down moving, slowly I started to ride him.

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