18. Y.H.M.J pt.2 (stereo hearts)

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Seokjin's point of view:

"Do you come here often?" Hobi asked Yoongi as he finished his food, "The food is very good." I said after finishing mine too, "Monie and I drop by here often, after late night works and recordings, its nice." he said smiling at the compliment.

He seemed to be an interesting character, like a locked black, glossy, grunge little crystal but really different when opened, he came off as way different than he was, just after someone gets to know him, I like him, I like the way he smiled, liked the way Hobi made him smile, his this extensively sweet smile said that he didn't smile often. People who smile the brightest have gone through the most pain, he looks like a person who's be very accepting, and was strong, knew how to fight through, he definitely didn't give up. A very trustable person, but misunderstood too. He was overall sweet. I have never seen Hobi happier maybe. I'm so happy for them both. "Jin hyung, can I have your number?" He asked forwarding his phone, "Ah sure, absolutely, here." I said typing it down.

"Namjoon! Yoongs, Jin hyung, there's this fair today, it's the last day, let's go pleease! It'll be so much fun!! There's the roller coaster and the ferris wheel!" Hobi said showing his phone. 

Tae must be gone by now...I looked out of the window, the ferris wheel could be seen from here, Tae must be flying to the US huh...no Jin, calm, don't think of it, it's going to be fine, calm down. He'll be happy...I suddenly felt something cold on my hands as I turned to see Namjoon's hand on mine. He's there, you're not alone anymore, it's going to be fine.

"Let's go." I said smirking as Hobi cheering up, "Ahh yayy!"

Namjoon raised an eyebrow at me, "What? Don't tell me you're scared." I whispered, "Ahh definitely not." he winked.

Hobi called a waiter shoving his phone into his hand, "Click us a picture, will ya man?" He asked as even he couldn't resist the boy's charms. 

And there without even knowing, we were in front of the fair, it was the evening, the place was almost empty, the perfect atmosphere, Hobi and I went to get mickey mouse ear, getting for all four of us, Hobi put it on on Yoongi as Namjoon bent sli...

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And there without even knowing, we were in front of the fair, it was the evening, the place was almost empty, the perfect atmosphere, Hobi and I went to get mickey mouse ear, getting for all four of us, Hobi put it on on Yoongi as Namjoon bent slightly for me to put it on on his too. 

"You know, let me get you the giant pink teddy bear! You like it?" He asked pointing towards a shooting game, "You can hug it when you sleep when I'm not there." he said smiling, "Will look perfect in my room. Go ahead Romeo."  Hobi and Yoongi said they'll meet us near the roller coaster at one hour and we can enjoy our "date" and they'll go on theirs.

"Cool let's go!" 

And that's how I ended up carrying a huge pink teddy bear around the fair. 

"You know I'm good at this, hold up, what do you want? A flamingo or, maybe a koala?" I asked pointing at a picking up some stuffed animals game which I didn't know the name of, "A koala!!" He said with his dimple smile, aw man, he was a big baby. 

We had to submit our teddy and koala after arriving at the roller coaster of course when Yoongi and Hobi appeared with different glasses, some fluffy banner around them, two bags and hoops, "Where did you get those?" I asked laughing as they submitted them, "Totally not dragged around each stall..." Yoongi sighed as Hobi made a pout, "Don't complain now Yoongs, you liked it." "Yeah..."

And there we sat down, okay now it definitely was scaring me, this thing was, "DO WE HAVE TO DO THIS??" Hobi yelled from behind as Namjoon laughed and I yelled back, "IT WAS YOUR IDEA HOBI!!" 

"I KNOW, I DON'T KNOW WHY I SAID THAT, SEEMED DO-ABLE THEN, NOT ANYMORE!" We turned to see them holding hands now. And there it went. And all I could remember was my body floating as it went up and went down in an exclusively crazy speed, my hands clutching on Namjoon as I stuck close to him, he was holding my hand and was laughing out, the wind went so damn fast and Hobi and Yoongi screaming from behind, also feeling that I would fly away any moment, once in a life time, I'm never coming back. Honestly Namjoon was the only one laughing, Yoongi enjoyed and Hobi and I were never coming back. 

"Now the ferris wheel!!!" Hobi went jumping towards it, "How can he even be this enthusiastic after that!" I said holding Namjoon's hand tighter.

We got up the ferris wheel, it was night, dark, the lights were on, it looked utterly pleasing, and they even played song. It all made the atmosphere peaceful other than being scary and romantic, goes without saying.

He got up as it went slowly up...s l o w l y... as it went up and stopped, under the stars, so close to the sky yet so far, the whole city could be seen from there, little with it's lights on, and the only words which would be used to describe it was beautiful. 

"You like it?" Namjoon asked as his eyes reflected and I could see stars there.

"Love it." 

"Let's goo!!!!" Hobi said as the wheel started moving, faster, and the wind could be felt. 

'My heart's a stereo

It beats for your, so listen close

Hear my thoughts in every note

Make me your radio

Turn me up when you feel low

This melody was meant for you

Just sing along to my stereo'

(Gym Class Heroes: Stereo Hearts ft. Adam Levine) 

Honestly, this was way better than seemed, the lights, the music, and the person in front, and the people made it so bewildering. 

We went back to Yoongi's place, he said some stuff, you know when the moment comes, you actually let a person know how you feel which you wouldn't maybe would have said ever in the morning, the nights were made for saying stuff you can't say tomorrow day, and it was like, being at home, we sat, drank, talked, laughed, danced, lived.

(these four and their friendship 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 hope you like itttttt!! stay safe and take care!!! -sydREnzo)

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