61. Love [🍒]

270 15 17

(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:

Hobi, the poor guy alone was running in his house cleaning the room, washing, wiping the windows, changing the curtains and everything Seokjin had "ordered" him to do. Yoongi was busy trying to keep Jimin off the whole thing, but he didn't have much time himself, he was still working on his reviews, and he was about to submit on that day, the only thing that Yoongi was worried about was him not being able to show up, that would be...fucked up. Jungkook, another poor soul had to postpone his shooting to take Tae out and was trying his absolute best dragging him around shows, checking his watch every time, the last thing he would have to do is create a drama is that holds Taehyung back, the only thing he was thinking was 'what a restless guy, oh God, please save my soul', and Seokjin and Namjoon were out shopping for food items. 

They went to store, well a very clueless Namjoon only brought to hold and carry the bags entered the store following a confident Seokjin who hadn't been shopping for long and was enjoying it. Namjoon pushed the cart behind him, whining about how he was basically being a slave for Seokjin, only to be shut by a glare. He examined the different spice, frowning, muttering different stuff, "Just take anyyy!! They are all the same!" Namjoon said from behind, "They are all not at all the same, this one is better for what I will cook today but the other one was a better offer with fifty percent extra and a free little coffee pouch while this one is more expensive with a better flavor but the amount is not quite up to the mark. And this-" Namjoon cut him off taking all three and pulling him away by his wrist, "Fine, forget I asked!" 

"You have no patience, AT ALL!" Seokjin said as they went up to the cash counter, "And I think you have too much tendency to waste time without any reason." Namjoon said as he pushed the cart ahead, "That, Mr. Kim Namjoon, is NOT wasting time, it's examining products according to your need before buying it, YOU are wasting money." Namjoon gasped at that, "I am not wasting money, I am saving money, time and effort, you will need them later so I'm just getting all at once!" Seokjin and Namjoon were walking together as they moved ahead in the line, Seokjin adding up to his point, "You have no idea of what cooking is Namjoon, how do you know I will need it or not?" Namjoon let out a tired groan, "I have been carrying all those bags around you from nine in the fucking morning and it's been three damn hours already! I just need freedom from your clutch! And I am doing what it needs to to get rid of you." He said pointing towards Seokjin, "You know I don't want to be with you, an impatient tall fuck either." Namjoon let out an extra dramatic offended gasp, "DID YOU JUST CALL ME A-?" Seokjin rolled his eyes, "Fine- I'm sorry."

"Sir, it's your turn, please move ahead or let us." Someone from behind spoke up as they both got embarrassed, Namjoon pulled out his card and so did Seokjin, "I'm paying." Namjoon said pushing his card ahead, "No it's fine, I will for making you carry all those bags around." He said as he gave his card, Namjoon nodded, putting his one inside. They walked out of the store, Namjoon carrying the bags again, Seokjin said, "What do you spend all those hours in the gym making those muscles for?" Namjoon sighed as he followed Seokjin towards their car, pushing the stuff with the other three bags in the back seat, it was supposed to be a food shopping, became a lot of more stuff shopping too, "I'll be right back!" Seokjin said as he went away before Namjoon could protest. Namjoon got into his seat when after around fifteen minutes of waiting Seokjin appeared with two ice cream cones, "I-'" Namjoon paused for a moment, smiling, "Thank you..." Seokjin got back inside the car, closing the door, "The ice cream van I saw had sold out all the other flavors, only mint-cho was left so I had to go around to get to the other one across the street and there was a crowd there..." Namjoon smiled to himself, he remembered that he does not like mint-cho. 

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