73. Holiday (pt.4 Back Home)

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:

For the rest of the days, they all had been spending all of their time together, doing different stuff each day, it was fun for all considering how busy their lives were, Seokjin already had his schedule packed after going back, Namjoon had his meetings in between because of his upcoming album shooting and everything, Jungkook had all his shootings which he had postponed pending, Jimin had to attend and publish his reviews on a new museum of a neighboring city for which he had to go out for four days much to Tae's disappointment and he had been whining about it ever since, Tae had his work sorted because he already knew the plan and also because he mostly stayed back at his work everyday because Jimin would be back home late and he had everything completed ahead of time, plus being the director was fun for him, same for Yoongi and Hobi, but they had been thinking about their relationship lately. 

Hobi and Jin were alone in the kitchen around the afternoon after everybody had finished their lunch and went to rest or for a afternoon nap, "Jin hyung, I don't know, I just feel like we are not getting ahead with anything. We are both adults and..."

"Hobi, are you overthinking it? You both decided to take it slow right? So? What is it?" Jin said resting against the counter, he insisted he would do the dishes and  Hobi offered to help. 

"I am or maybe not. It's been long I feel plus we had the years ahead, I think we should move forward, I mean I want to but I don't know what the forward is, maybe I want to live together? Like yes of course I want to marry him but that's way too ahead of time so I will give it time, well a lot of thinking is needed for SUCH A BIG STEP but I need one improvement, the vacation was nice, but I want that everyday..." Hobi said putting the dish in the holder. 

"I am listening, go ahead with what you have to say Hobs." Seokjin said patiently waiting for him to continue. 

"See, my point is that, we are both adults, we have our past together, we are in a relationship and have been in love with each other FOR LONG now, the three years in between was so childish. So so like well, it's stupid but after Tae proposed, I have this idea STUCK in my head and then it's like way too fast but then to calm my fucking nerves and my head which keeps saying 'marry him marry him marry him', I want to move in together is what I have concluded." He said sighing. 

"Do you want to? Marry him?"

"One day, yes, but-"

"I get it, it's like, too early for your relationship, why don't you talk to him about moving in together...?" Jin asked looking at the sad expression on the boy's face.

"I'm scared hyung, because of what happened last time, we moved in together and it got fucked up. I can't risk it this time, I don't wanna let him go anywhere, this love will be the end of me I tell you, one day I saw this man and his gummy smile, end, full stop, end of Jung Hoseok. I went out and got out of that-" he made some random hand movements, "-shit out there, then I spend years in love with this one guy even stalking him and imagining scenarios with him and then when I get him, I still feel like it might get fucked up and I am still head  over heels for him I don't even know I feel like I am going crazy what the fuck." Hobi said jumping now. He jumped whenever he got too excited to calm himself and take out the extra energy.

"Hobi, Hobs, it's okay, you know, you have him, and he loves you back and take it from a man who had to deal with the man you're in love with drunk tantrums and ranting about your smile and how lovely you are, I get it, and he loves you back too, a huge lot, it wouldn't get messed up this time because both of you are too dedicated to let it be. You were still young then Hobi, so don't overthink about it. Try and talk to him about it...alright?"

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