26. Lust

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(Warning: Mature Language, smut)

Namjoon's point of view:

Before I could think about what the fuck happened, my dick needed some fucking relief. It hurt so fucking bad being tied tightly with the bed as my dick strained up my stomach, begging some relief now. He kept edging me continuously and now left the room, returning in my silk rob, only the belt tied around his slender waist.

I looked up at him, my eyes were teary and cheeks burnt, my thighs pressed against each other. Bitch. My lips were plump and swollen, I moaned out at him, "Pl-please..."

There. He looked at me with puppy eyes, kissing my cheek, "You know what, I feel bad for you Joonie..." he brushed his lips on my neck again, as he got up, opening the cuffs.

Big fucking mistake baby.

I smirked as I pulled him by the waist, slamming his body down on the bed and getting on top of him, getting a powerful hold. I saw his eyes widening as I smirked, I needed to release. I pushed open and separated his legs getting in between them, settling my position, I entered him without giving him any fucking opportunity to neither process anything, nor get prepared for me to enter him. I started to move right then groaning out in the pleasure which I got after the long ass time, things finally under my control.

He cried out loud not getting any time to adjust to my size before I started to push in and out of him. His body trembled in my strong hold as I hid my face in the crook of his neck, groaning out as I went in each time, it felt so fucking good. I've fucked many people but this is the fucking best I had.

I played with my tongue on his neck, his moans entering my ear sending tingling sensations down, ugh this fucking beautifully sexy man. I kept giving soft kisses on his neck as I got closer.

"Aaaaah fffuckkk Nya~mjoon~ah~" his moans were long and sexual, high pitched one. I gave one more jerk as we both came at once, I filled him up. He held onto me tight, my back burning up with the nail scratches he marked me with. I kissed his soft, full lips, softly in a caring way this time. He kissed back closing his eyes softly.

Not yet pretty boy.

I pressed my lips against his cheeks, whispering softly in his ears, "It's my time, baby boy~" I said in a deep low voice, feeling him shiver.

I turned him around, "Get on my knees." I said as he laid down on my lap, I grabbed his waist settling the position, his dick between my thighs, positioned well, his ass just where I'd like it to be he buried his head down inside a pillow knowing what was about to happen, biting his lip, his legs shuddered. I was moving fast, and on my fucking orders now pretty boy. I'll fuck you so well, this is going to be a long long night, "No school for you tomorrow."

I could feel his breath becoming faster.

"Don't move till I asked you to pretty boy, or it's going to get a lot worse."

I caressed his cheeks moving my hand on them before starting.

Seokjin's point of view:

I knew it was a mistake opening the cuffs, but after being in control and then being on his lap turned me on so much that I just wanted to be fucked well by him.

I squirmed out at the first smack, it drove me crazy as I tried to stay still as the next few went, comparatively softer. He kept smacking, as I whimpered out with each. Pinning me down, he stroke a few more times but a lot harder. I had lost the energy to fight back by then as he went as hard as he could, "You're being so good. Let's try this again." his words made me shiver as I knew a few more was about to come. My ass was sore and bruised but I wanted more.

I arched my back as he positioned me again, hitting on the spots he liked, making me cry out. I didn't have the strength to move anymore as I let him do whatever he wanted to with me. I started to get hard and laying on his lap, I could feel him getting hard too.

I let out short and sharp shrieks with each of the hits, but I kept wanting more from him. After he was done, he told me to get down. We both were hard, I fell on my knees kneeling in front of him with parted lips, mouth open ready to take him in.

I took him in mouth and it wasn't long, his long neck was arched backwards as he just played with my hair moving his fingers softly through them. I knew when to get rough and when to be soft. I kept moving my body and my head, his tip hitting the back of my head. My throat hurt but felt so good that I didn't wanna stop. He groaned as his clutch on my hair became tighter as he came in my mouth. It tasted so good as I swallowed it looking up at him with lustful eyes like he owned me.

He leaned down pecking my lips as he kissed some other parts lifting me up by my waist, I arched my head backwards providing him the maximum space as he kissed my neck, I was biting my lips as he went down my chest and then led me on the bed again.

I turned around as he asked me to. I took hear him grab the belt we had left on the floor and soon he whipped my already sore ass cheeks. It was way worse that before as he stroke again, my nails dug inside the mattress of the bed clutching onto the sheets, my thighs pressed together as the erection grew painful. He took out all I did back on me, but at this point all the pain was a kind of pleasure to feel. He smacked on my cheeks with the belt making me cry and whimper but still begging like his whore.

And when he was done, I could feel him pressing against my ass, his lips on my shoulder as he liked to keep it when he entered me. We both were hard and moans filled the room, high pitched cries from my parted lips and deep low groans near my ear as he kept thrusting into me, hitting the sensitive bunch of nerves as he knew all my favorite spots. We both came at once, my face buried in the pillow as I moaned out as his teeth against the soft skin on my shoulder as he filled me in, his cum dripping off my ass.

"It feels so good...still feels so good..." I said as I turned, resting on my back. His pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist tightly as I held him close, his face buried in the crook on my neck as he kept placing soft kisses on it, "I'm glad..." he said looking at me.

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