24. Shoot for the moon, darling

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(Warning: Mature Language, smut)

Seokjin's point of view:

The lights went off as my hand went on Joonie's thighs. I could feel him surprised as a smirk appeared at the corner of my lips. 

The movie started as I rested my back on the seat, I could hear Hobi whispering something to Jimin's ears as they laughed. Yoongi and Taehyung were talking. My eyes were fixed on the screen processing nothing as I softly brushed my hands on his thighs. I think I heard a light gasp making me smirk again.

I kept moving my hands softly on the fine fabric of his denim, I heard him clearing his throat. Nice, very fucking nice. Slowly I moved my hands up, and then back before he could react. I moved my hands off as I turned to talk to Yoongi, complimenting his jacket.

I started talking to the rest, my hands to myself now. Patiently waiting. Soon enough I  felt a tap on my shoulder, "Can you pass me the popcorn?" Now now, jealous much are we? 

I grinned as I asked him to open his mouth, him holding a smile as I fed him.

We went back to watching the movie, everyone to themselves. After a while, I travelled my hand back to his thigh, rubbing it softly, moving upwards. My hands slipped close to his dick as his clapped on me, stopping it. I looked at him raising my eyebrow as he let go of my hand, holding a small blush. I could see him biting his lip from the corner of my eyes.

I rested my hand on there, now his on mine, playing with his fingers. 

"Namjoon-ah?" I asked as he turned to look at me. I leaned to whisper in his ears, kissing him below his jaw instead, his head arched backwards, giving me more space and another opportunity to kiss there before he sat back up, giving me a look.

"What?" I asked in a low voice.

He stood up holding me by my wrist, pulling me up with him, that's like a good boy now.

He pulled me out with him, I could feel Tae, Jimin, Yoongi and Hobi looking but they went back to minding their own business. 

We walked out of the hall as he pulled me with him to the public restroom, desperate much.

He banged close the door, and pinning me against the wall and soon I felt his lips caressing my mine. He pinned my hands beside my head, holding them hostage in a strong fucking hold. I struggled under him but he won't let me move. "Now now, weren't you desperate for this Jinnie?" He whispered close, now biting my lower lip. 

His leg was between mine as he pushed in his tongue. He tasted of cherry, smell was the usual arrogant scent, with this certain need of tasting my mouth, he held me against the wall, tight, as our lips fought for the dominance, me soon losing to him as he let go of my hands, pulling me closer by his hands wrapped around my waist, owning me.

My hands, as soon as they were freed, grabbed hold of his jacket, desperate in need of contact, lips smashed together, as I rested my hand on his shoulders, the other on his chest, feeling his abs. He didn't let me move till we were out of breath, completely. Breaking the kiss for breath, he pushed ours back to each other, closing my eyes tight. His smell left me wanting more and more as I felt my jeans feeling a bit tight now. 

He broke the kiss, moving slightly back and looking down, holding the devilish smile.

Unbuckling my belt, he slid his hand under my shirt and slid down the jeans, slowly, and then the boxers.

At this point, I didn't care if this was the public fucking restroom. 

He got down on his knees, making me gulp, Kim Namjoon on his knees for me, ain't it hot?

I bent down placing a kiss on his lip as he grabbed a fistful of my hair, kissing me roughly before whispering, "We have a movie to watch."

I arched back my neck as I felt his lips around my hard dick. He softly placed them as he teased my tip, I exhaled softly, trying my best not to make any sound as he went deeper, now putting as much as he could inside his mouth, moving his head slowly. I held my palm against my mouth tightly biting back a moan. 

My breath hitched as he went deeper, moving his head fast. My lips parted as a deep groan came out, "urgh, namjoon-ah~" 

He went faster now, as I moved my head, my eyes closed tight, deep breaths leaving out, my hands against the wall, trying to hold onto something. He used both his mouth and hands to move, as I fucked his mouth. My breath hitched as I got close, letting out another unhelped moan under my breath of his name, "a...h...ah~" my voice shaking.

I gulped as he moved fast, his hands steady, my eyes rolled back of all the pleasure he filled me with, "Cloh-" I inhaled, "Cl-close~" I said arching backwards.

I bit my lip, "I'm cumming~" 

I shivered and groaned out as I came in his mouth, I looked down, my cheeks warm and sweaty as he swallowed as much as he could, wiping off a a bit with his thumb, cupping my face, he kissed me again, I could taste something salty, he smirked against my lips before breaking the kiss as I gulped.

We walked out, holding hands and smiling, nothing happened. Sweet.

I went back to my seat as Hobi raised his eyebrows at me, I smiled back pushing my tongue against both my cheeks, his face replaced with a smug look, as he flashed a thumbs up. 

The climax ain't there yet.

I settled my shirt and all we did for the rest of the movie was to whisper stuff into each other's ears, stealing glances and kisses and whatever the fuck we wanted to other than watching the movie, I read the plot later for Jimin to not feel bad. The way Tae and Jimin were innocently holding hands was cute.

We went to have dinner at a restaurant next, of Yoongi and Jimin's choice, my brother heart was proud of Tae for having to impress Yoongi that well, he was a tough person to impress, but my boyfriend heart just wanted to have some fun.

Well and I will cause, if I like it then that's what I get.

The surroundings were good, we got a family private booth with well decors, six chairs around the table, I'm very glad I wasn't next to Jimin or Tae. It was Joonie, me, Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi. Nice.

"This feels so warm doesn't it?"

"Like a family."

'A complete family' I fucking wish babies, not everything warm and nice lasts long, not everything glittery is gold.

"Jin hyung-" Yoongi called as I looked at him, "I forgot to say, you look good everyday but today you look especially good, hot kind of good." I smiled, "Thank you Yoongi, you look amazing yourself."

Everyone says I'm pretty, but my sea is pitch black.

We ordered the food, everyone talked about stuff, it was nice, honestly, I haven't felt something like this in a long while, this felt so complete that it was scary, but I learnt to ignore the dark stuff and focus on the warm part, and I fucking loved it.

But, what I loved more was, I bent down, pulling down the chain of my shoe, opening them, I sat back up smiling as I travelled my finger up Namjoon's calved to his thigh then moved away, leaving a tremble.

I gave it a pause, and them did it again, slowly travelling them up again, Namjoon gave me a look which I deliberately ignored, but smirked as he cleared his throat trying to stay calm.

It didn't stop, not when we said our "Goodnights", neither in the car, not until he carried me to his bedroom, slammed me against the bed, got on top of me kissing my neck.

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