74. Cinema Awards

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:

The Cinema Awards, just like the Award Show of the Year (which is the annual award show for music) is the annual and most prestigious cinema award show of the year, revolving around the nominations and winners of the movies which entertained the audience through out the year in their record. Awards involving all the categories, starting from the best sound, best production picture, best picture, best film editing, best director, best original screenplay, debut actor, actress, and the best woman and male protagonist. Everyone eagerly waits for this award show through out. 

Kim Seokjin being nominated for 'Best Male Protagonist' for his film 'Epiphany'.

Cinema Award    @CAwards
Jinnies' are celebrating the arrival of their favorite and the everyone's favorite at this point, @KSJin arrives at the show living up to his worldwide standards as well!

Cinema Award    @CAwardsJinnies' are celebrating the arrival of their favorite and the everyone's favorite at this point, @KSJin arrives at the show living up to his worldwide standards as well!

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This was Seokjin's first award show to be nominated as the 'Best Male Protagonist' at the Cinema Awards, and even though he maintained a calm and composed look on the outside, he was actually very nervous on the outside, the nominees on his category were all  highly experienced actors, one of them holding his position for three years now. 

The performances were going on before the nominees were being called  out, honorable people of the entertainment world to present the awards. He knew Namjoon was also invited as the presenter. The performances, each were actually amazing, and it grabbed Seokjin's attention making him forget the rest of what had been sticking in his mind. The theme of the whole concept for each of the awards were beautifully organized, he loved the performance by the debut actor and actress collaboration the most, putting up a message in front of the audience. He had been standing there one day too, shook till his core, but when he received the 'Best Debut male', he had almost fainted backstage which made him wonder if something was about to happen this time too, because he was also confident in his work. 

He had been talking to other celebrities there, many approaching him themselves which made him flustered. He congratulated each as they won, listening attentively to the speeches being delivered, the host which were handling the show and had been for the past years never failed to entertain the crowd. 

"Why do you look so serious?" He turned to the sound of someone taking a seat beside him, Namjoon. He rolled his eyes as he saw the male making himself comfortable.

"This  is no even your seat, what the fuck are you doing here?" He whispered to him, now taking his seat backwards and sitting with their shoulders touching, making it easier to talk. 

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