58. Something Happened [🌻]

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third person point of view:

It had been another week, with around 5.534% increase in the amount of bickering according to genius Min Yoongi, who had also planned a meet up with all of them again, well it was Hobi and his combines idea but at his place so works like it. A month and more of him flirting with Hobi, who, sometimes flirted back but most of the time took it different WHICH annoyed him but he was never annoyed on his baby Hobi so that annoyance came out on poor Tae. Jimin usually avoided him around those times but Tae, he got stuck every time. But he did wonder if Hobi still liked him, and if he didn't then why did he still hung around with him or plan out to meet up, well they did those a lot, he even came over and they'd spent the nights cuddling, was he taking all of it platonically...?

"No seriously hyung, does he think of us as best friends and the dates and shit are platonic?" He asked as Seokjin was carefully going through which spices he should get for the chicken he was about to cook. "Just talk to him Yoongi, how long will you sulk?" he said moving on with the cart full of stuff while Yoongi walked along with the one packet of noodles he had picked up, "But suppose I go ask, yo Hobi, do you like me? And he goes...I thought we were best friends Yoongs, how fucking awkward with that be, plus I would be making a complete fool out of myself plus whatever "friendship" we had would also be ruined." He stopped with Seokjin glaring at him, "I asked you to get the drinks, where are the drinks and I already got noodles, why are you waling around with a packet of noodles, and where is the bag I asked you to hold?" And, Yoongi ran inside the market yet again, searching between the aisles to get the stuff, Seokjin quietly face palming. 

Getting to Yoongi's house, Seokjin got busy in the kitchen doing all the stuff, he himself volunteered to do so but also they decided to order pizza before his dinner would be prepared only because Yoongi wanted Hobi to stay longer, and for some reason (definitely not for Namjoon, not at all) Seokjin also agreed to that. "Yoongi, you know it's Jiminie and Tae's ten year of being together coming up?" 

"THEY ARE TOGETHER FOR TEN YEARS NOW!! AH THE LUCK, AND HERE I AM, I CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND IF THIS ABSOLUTE DUMBASS LIKES ME OR NOT, AND I FLIRT AND I DONT KNOW IF MY PRECIOUS BABY EVEN GETS IT, AND I AM ALSO NOT WANTING TO CONFESS FIRST SO I WILL JUST DRINK MY SORROWS AWAY, WHERE IS THE BEER, LET ME DRINK IT IN A CLASSY WAY TO FEEL BETTER!" Yoongi whined as Seokjin rolled his eyes again, "Firstly, you aren't getting any drink right now, secondly, that was so fast, I could barely make out the words, thirdly, get up the fucking couch, I just cleaned it, fourthly, one day I will throw you away with the trash."

"Fine, I am getting up, jeez, chill." Yoongi said getting up to go inside the bedroom, "NOT IN THE BEDROOM, I JUST PUT THE SHEETS RIGHT, GO SIT ON THE FLOOR!!" Seokjin yelled with a pan in his hand, "IT'S MY HOUSE I THOUGHT!" Yoongi whined sitting down at the corner, only to be yelled back, "I DON'T CARE!" 

The bell rang as Yoongi stood up, dragging himself to open to, the 'almost ten years together now' couple came in, Jimin hopping in with a big chocolate box, which was Yoongi's favorite and he didn't get it around, Tae walked up to Seokjin to help in the kitchen, only to be sent out immediately. Both Taehyung and Namjoon couldn't cook, being the only ones among them. Hobi came in next, Tae surprised at how he walked in without ringing the bell, Seokjin smiling ot himself and Jimin teasing his brother, of course Yoongi gave a spare key to Hobi for 'emergency' purposes. The bell rang again, Seokjin had his back turned towards the living room as he was cutting the vegetables, his heart beating fast, well, "Ah! Hey! I'm sorry I'm late, Joon hyung was supposed to pick me up but he's at the studio, will be there in around half an hour!" Jungkook's voice entering the house as Seokjin let out a sigh, continuing to cut his vegetables. 

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