V. Ocean Eyes

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(Warning: Mature Language, smut)

Seokjin's point of view:

I had my hand lazily around my cock, stroking it slowly, "Nya~amjoonie~" I moaned as I pumped my dick, memories of Namjoon using me to move my hands in a quick pace. "F-feels...g-good..." I moaned stretching my head backwards, imagining him playing with me, well like he liked to, making myself completely vulnerable as I stroked myself. 

"Aaah~ Yeah...just like that Joonie~" I said curling up as I kept stroking my throbbing dick moving my hands faster now, biting my lips as I arched my neck backwards, moaning continuously as I reached closer to the climax. I held onto the sheet, groaning out as I came, panting as I laid on the bed.

I woke up in the morning to the bright sunlight, realizing that I am horribly late and would skip school most probably. I lazily got out of bed, yawning and stretching my arms. I walked out of the room in my pajamas, only to see my brother back and aggressively making out with his boyfriend against the kitchen counter. I cleared my throat to get their attention, "Ahem ahem..." I said putting my palm near my mouth as they both let go of each other, turning around. Jimin blushed hiding his face, turning red as Tae rubbed the back of his neck. 

"M-morning hyung, I-I thought you would be...in school?" Tae said as Jimin got down, making space for me to walk, "Don't be so sad that I am not." I said sarcastically as they both sat down, "No no it's not-" I laughed it off, "Yeah it's fine chill~!"  

"So what do y'all want for breakfast, I can cook anything you want today you know?" I offered fidgeting with the ingredients I had, "I am honestly okay with anything you make Jin hyung..." Jimin said coming up towards me with his happy baby smile, "Anyways, how was your trip?" I asked as he happily started to describe what all he did, showing me pictures and using his hands and expressions to say everything. 

"Ah! Namjoon hyung posted on his twitter!!" Jimin said after we sat down, he didn't know about what had happened between us, I stopped what I was doing for while, then I turned towards him who was happily looking at a picture. I muttered softly, "What...did he...say?"

He flashed me a picture.

"He posted this picture and wrote a big message for the fans, but he gave a quote or something, I wonder what that means

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"He posted this picture and wrote a big message for the fans, but he gave a quote or something, I wonder what that means...?" he said frowning. 

"What quote?"

"He said like "I still look at the moon and think of you." At the end of the post."

"Oh..." Oh.

"You can ask him right? When he calls you and all?" Jimin said turning towards me, oh do I got news for you kid.

"We broke up..." I said serving the food as the poor kid's face expression changed.

"I'm so- I'm so sorry- WHEN?!" He asked clinging onto me.

"It's been five months Jiminie, where were you all this time?" His expression changed again, "That's like when his tour started!! I'm so-"

"It's fine you don't have to, you didn't know..." I  reassured him, looking at his picture without the other noticing, the fuck he looks so pretty and all.

Now that I see, Tae and Jimin do spend an awfully huge amount of time together, it's either that or that I didn't notice it all this while because I spent an awfully huge amount of time with Namjoon. I sighed as I poured the milk in the cup going upstairs to the balcony.

I sat down on there, crossing my legs as I leaned back. 

This is so bad, why can't we be together if we love, why does love have to feel this way? I leaned back as I sipped my drink. This is unfair, I'm so in love with him, I just want to know if he is too. I have said this to myself so many times but still I miss him so much. We decided to do everything we wanted to do together in the time but it seems so less, I want to do so much more with him, so much more, I...want to spend more time, as much as I can. I never want to let him go. He's...he's just the one, why do I have to love someone I can't have? 

Love is so different that I thought of it, it felt so warm, and lovely when I had him, now it feels so cold. It scares me to think of him, back, with someone else. Then later they will become official and everyone will know the other person as Kim Namjoon's partner, and I will remain a two months flick. And then he'll forget me, and I will be the only one staring at the moon and thinking of him. All this time, I was doing fine, but then he had to come up, now I want him. 

I took another sip, the cold hair hitting my face, the cold milk travelling down my throat. Tear drops rolling down my cheeks, as I wiped them off, staring at the sky, there are so many stars, the sky is so clear, I smiled softly, thinking of good old times. There was still a little part in me which couldn't completely accept that I wasn't getting any of it back. 

I feel miserable crying about the same old thing, but then I wouldn't if I had the other option. I would just, forget him, well maybe. Maybe I won't want to. I want to keep him safe hidden in my heart, maybe that's what is love.

Well...I am thinking of you too while looking at the moon. You are there looking at me too right? 

"No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes"

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