13. C o l d

411 23 5

(Warning: Mature Language)

Namjoon's point of view:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes, the white sheet was around me as I frowned and tried to recollect what had happened, not that I didn't remember but I expected to see him there after I wake up. I sat up on the bed moving the sheet and pillow as the white transparent curtains were moving along with the wind and the windows were open, cool breeze coming in through them. I rubbed my eyes and got out, did he leave...? With a small little fear, I cleaned up and took a cold shower. Wrapping the towel around my waist and rubbing the towel to dry my hair, I walked out to be greeted by a cheerful, "Good morning Namjoonie!" Not to lie, it calmed me down so much and was a assurance that he was there, but then I turned to see him in my clothes holding a tray with breakfast.

I smiled at him and stepped one step closer to peck his cheek, "Good morning..." beautiful. Nah didn't add that, sounds like old cliche movies. Also, now that we have reached this point, I think he might ask about where the relationship was leading to soon, and I...wanted to take it further. I like him so much, I want to be his boyfriend, I want him to be my boyfriend,...but.

"I hope you like it!" He said putting the tray on the bed sitting down,it was prepared like some professional had done it, there were pancakes, coffee in cups and small fruits like cherries and stuff beside them, he served it for both of us as I stared at him, smiling. His hair was wet by which I figured he had taken a shower and it fell on his face, how did he always look so pretty?

"They look so good, should I thank you for doing all this?" I asked sitting down beside him, "Or can I do something in return?" He looked at me pecking my lips, "You've done a lot, and this isn't much. You like my cooking and I like to cook." I rested my hand on his shoulder, "That sounded like 'made for each other' quotes." He giggled as he put a bit in my mouth. "That- that is so good." Well it fucking was.

"Did you tell Tae?" I asked while eating, "Yeah I sent a text, don't think he'll call back, I am giving him his time to handle stuff and must be sleeping. Sometimes he stays up too late. I'm glad its a Sunday or else I would have had to rush to work by now..." He said as I grinned, "Might have to do that a lot now." 

"Let's do out! Show me around your favorite places and I'll show you around  mine and maybe we don't cover it today, but yeah we have some time~" Jin looked at me, a little bit confused, "Some time?" Fuck. Tell him Namjoon. Great time to tell him right after this.  He's gonna hate yo so much. Congratufuckinglations.

"Yeah you know...before...you have to go to work!" Wow. 

"Oh...oh...okay sure, I'll get ready!" He said smiling at me, "Let's leave by 10?" I nodded.

You're going to mess this up so fucking much. Namjoon bro you have to tell him, ask him if he's okay with a long distance relationship, ask him about what he wants, what the fuck JUST SPEAK UP. And stop screaming at yourself.

I grabbed a simple outfit to go as I put on my watch and walked out of my room to see Jin walking out dressed as a fairy who came in the form of human to me like what the fuck I like him so much I want to cry. I hid my face and turned around smiling, my heart!!!

"What- hey!" He said hiding his face too, "You make me bloshhh!!" And you make my heart flutter. "Honestly I'm lucky to have scored you." I said walking out as he ran after me, "Scored me? Shouldn't it be the opposite? I scored YOU." He said as he we walked to the car, "When we get down, hold my hand." I said as he got in, "Would have had even if you didn't ask." I grinned, "So where off to first, sir?" I asked driving out to the road as he clicked on the screen to show me the location, it was around the outskirts, kind of secluded, for me, it wasn't very weird not knowing the details of the city but of course Jin did know, I started driving as his phone rang, "Tae.' He said before picking up.

"Hey, morni-" there was an uneven pause, before he let out a soft, "...oh." The pauses were cold and unwanted, he didn't speak much, "....why?" his words weren't this scattered or scary, like there was this coldness overtaking his usual soft and warm side, "....okay, no." He said in stern way,  his voice gave me chills as he was looking down while talking, "I'm coming." he said as if each of his words were cut sharp and ended with blades. He hung up and let out a deep breath not scared or sad, but angry.

"...Jin...?" I said as I slowly traveled my hand over his and waited a while before placing them, he didn't move, phew okay, I stopped the car at a side. He looked up finally, "I'll have to leave, I'll call you." he said opening his seat belt, "Wait- is...it okay, I can...drop you?" He nodded as I took the U-turn and drove back to his shop. He got out and nodded at me as he walked to his house, I stayed for a while to confirm things were okay as I say him unlocking the door and walking in as he banged closed the door. I didn't want to go away, but...might be the best to. He'll call me if something went wrong right? 

Before going back, I dropped by Spring Day flower shop, "So Hoseok, your shop is really amazing." He was a nice man, smiled, like always, a sweet one, remind me of a 'Hob-ah' Yoongi keeps mentioning every time, would be too nosy to ask so didn't, we exchanged numbers, he made friends so easily, I'm meeting some awesome new people after I came here. 


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