71. Holiday (pt.2 The Secrets)

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(Warning: Mature Language)

Third Person point of view:

They had all gathered around together for breakfast, no one was really talking about anything. Just enjoying breakfast calmly. Jungkook was dozing off in between and sitting up straight again, poor boy did not get much of a good sleep last night, Jin looked around suspiciously in between, Namjoon had no idea other had found out so he was casual, Jimin grinned in his own thoughts sometimes, Hobi and Yoongi were sometimes whispering something but mostly quietly enjoyed their food, while Tae was the only one who had no idea what was going on. 

They all had gone to had their showers when Namjoon and Seokjin were alone in the living room, Seokjin had his legs on Namjoon's lap as they were having some chocolate Jimin had got and watching a music channel on the TV

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They all had gone to had their showers when Namjoon and Seokjin were alone in the living room, Seokjin had his legs on Namjoon's lap as they were having some chocolate Jimin had got and watching a music channel on the TV. 

"Give me a bit of chocolate." Namjoon said turning towards the other elder who turned to put some in his mouth only to be interrupted by him into a kiss, "You know I like it way better this way." 

Seokjin's heart skipped a beat again, they used to do it before...during their time...it hurt so bad but it felt so good suddenly, his lips started to kiss back by themselves as he almost melted into a kiss.

"OH MY GOD!! OH MY- HEY!" Namjoon who had his back turned towards the voice turned as Seokjin moved to see a shocked Tae standing there pointing towards them, mouth hanging open as his eyes were open wide and he stuttered trying to say something. 

The others, ran at his sudden scream, poor Hobi had his hair wet and ran out in his bath robe, Jimin approached his lover in a concerned expression, "What happened baby?" They all turned to see Namjoon an Seokjin just standing there, Seokjin had it casual because he knew the others knew and there was not much to hide anymore but Namjoon was panicking inside. 

"THEY WERE KISSING?! ARE YOU GUYS TOGETHER?!" He said pointing towards the others as all of the others sighed out, Jimin's lips breaking into a smile, "Baby it's old news, we all know. They are not together though, but sleeping together." 

Tae now looked offended from concerned, "You all KNEW? Jungkook you knew?" He asked as the boy nodded. "Yoongi hyung, Minnie?" They both nodded too, "Hobi hyung?" Hobi smirked crossing his arms around his chest, "I knew the first Tae. Been knowing for long now." Tae now gasped turning towards the others. 

Namjoon raised his eyebrow at Jin and then at Hobi, "Will explain later." Jin whispered in his ear. 

Tae was still not over as he looked around with disbelief in his eyes, "I am ALWAYS THE LAST ONE TO KNOW EVERYTHING, YOU GUYS NEVER TELL ME ANYTHING."

Yoongi walked up to him sitting beside him, "That's not true!! We tell you everything!"

"No! I was the last one to know when you and Hobi hyung got together, I was the last one to know when you guys parted and I had no idea for a whole month, had NO idea when Jin hyung was having his secret birthday party planning, and AND I was the last one to know when Jungkook had a crush on Hobi hyung-"

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